Strong British Male Trad Climbers

Men in the UK who have trad climbed E9 or harder.

This list aims to be definitive in terms of the people included but does not attempt to enumerate every relevant ascent.

Got any corrections? Send them to

104 entries on the list.

Climber Grade Climbs
1 James Pearson E12 Bon Voyage
2 Dave MacLeod E11 Rhapsody, Lexicon
3 Steve McClure E11 Rhapsody, Lexicon
4 Franco Cookson E11 Nothing Lasts, Immortal
5 Pete Whittaker E11 The Recovery Drink, Crown Royale
6 Mathew Wright E11 Lexicon, Rhapsody
7 Neil Gresham E11 Lexicon
8 Tom Randall E10 Century Crack, The Pura Pura, The Great Rift
9 Dave Birkett E10 To Hell and Back, Die by the Drop
10 Neil Mawson E10 Parthian Shot, Choronzon
11 Robbie Phillips E10 What we do in the Shadows, Le Voyage
12 John Dunne E10 Widdop Wall
13 Neil Bentley E10 Equilibrium
14 John Arran E10 Doctor Dolittle
15 Mark Edwards E10 The Human Skewer Direct
16 Jordan Buys E10 Widdop Wall
17 Julian Lines E10 Hold Fast, Hold True
18 Ben Bransby E10 Parthian Shot
19 Ryan Pasquill E10 Sleepy Hollow
20 Iain Small E10 Hold Fast, Hold True
21 Craig Matheson E10 Hard Cheese
22 James Taylor E10 Prisoners of the Sun
23 Jim Pope E10 Prisoners of the Sun
24 Gordon Lennox E10 Coldfinger
25 Tom Pearce E10 The Human Skewer Direct
26 James McHaffie E9 Trauma, Mission Impossible, Gribin Wall Climb, Longhope Route Direct, Indian Face, Divided Years, House of Talons, Dark Religion, Face Mecca, The Big Issue, Moonrise Kingdom, Once Upon a Time in the Southwest, The Walk of Life, Crac Yr Meistri, Rare Lichen, The Rathlin Effect
27 Angus Kille E9 Gribin Wall Climb, Trauma, Indian Face, Mission Impossible, Muy Caliente!, The Walk of Life, Crac Yr Meistri, The Hallucinogen Wall, Rare Lichen
28 Nathan Lee E9 Appointment with Death, Unknown Stones, Meshuga, The Zone, Rare Lichen, Divided Years, The Final Round
29 Nick Dixon E9 Face Mecca, Indian Face, Gribin Wall Climb, A Thousand Setting Suns, Once Upon a Time in the Southwest
30 Charlie Woodburn E9 Harder Faster, The Walk of Life, Once Upon a Time in the Southwest, Something's Burning, Rare Lichen
31 Leo Houlding E9 Rare Lichen, Trauma, Savage Horse, The Prophet
32 Tim Emmett E9 Meshuga, Muy Caliente!, The Path, Chicama
33 Ben Heason E9 Oz Bound, Lonely Heart, Muy Caliente!, Meshuga
34 Ali Kennedy E9 Muy Caliente!, Something's Burning, The Big Issue, The Walk of Life
35 Alex Moore E9 The Dark Side, Longhope Route Direct, Rare Lichen, The Groove
36 Seb Grieve E9 Knockin' on Heaven's Door, Parthian Shot (Pre 2011 Break), Meshuga
37 Ricky Bell E9 Divided Years, The Rathlin Effect, Long Runs the Fox
38 Neil Kershaw E9 Knockin' on Heaven's Door, Dynamics of Change, Meshuga
39 Dan Varian E9 The Dark Side, Moonrise Kingdom, Transcendence
40 Calum Muskett E9 Indian Face, The Walk of Life, Rare Lichen
41 Matt Helliker E9 The Big Issue, Anapanasati, Race
42 Morus Sanderson E9 Gribin Wall Climb, Indian Face, Rare Lichen
43 Johnny Dawes E9 Indian Face, Face Mecca
44 Sean Myles E9 Captain Invincible, Rodney Mullen
45 Robin Barker E9 Captain Invincible, Transcendence
46 Adrian Berry E9 Blind Vision, The Big Issue
47 Adam Hocking E9 Return of the King, Blood Eagle
48 Oli Grounsell E9 The Zone, Mission Impossible
49 Ethan Walker E9 Meshuga, The Zone
50 Ed Booth E9 Rare Lichen, Gribin Wall Climb
51 Alexis Perry E9 Question Mark, Exclamation Mark
52 Patrick Hill E9 Meshuga, The Final Round
53 Niall McNair E9 Achemine, The Dark Side
54 Dave Warburton E9 Heart And Soul, Divine Moments of Truth
55 Ron Fawcett E9 Knockin' on Heaven's Door
56 Andy Pollitt E9 Knockin' on Heaven's Door
57 Malcolm Smith E9 Transcendence
58 Richie Patterson E9 Knockin' on Heaven's Door
59 Neil Carson E9 Mission Impossible
60 Ben Tetler E9 Knockin' on Heaven's Door
61 Tom de Gay E9 Meshuga
62 Mike Weeks E9 Knockin' on Heaven's Door
63 Chris Cubitt E9 The Zone
64 Andy Earl E9 The Dark Side
65 Sam Whittaker E9 Appointment with Death
66 Jack Geldard E9 Spinal Crack
67 Pete Robins E9 Spinal Crack
68 Neil Dickson E9 Quetzalcoatl
69 Tom Briggs E9 Parthian Shot (Pre 2011 Break)
70 Aly Robertson E9 Knockin' on Heaven's Door
71 Eddie Barbour E9 Divided Years
72 Stevie Haston E9 Greenspit
73 Miles Gibson E9 Dangermouse
74 Gareth Parry E9 The Big Issue
75 Adam Watson E9 Harder Faster
76 George Ulrich E9 Indian Face
77 Dave Mason E9 Meshuga
78 Jacob Cook E9 The Lizard King
79 Bob Hickish E9 Meshuga
80 Ed Hamer E9 Meshuga
81 Tim Rankin E9 Perfect Vacuum
82 Si Moore E9 Divided Years
83 John McCune E9 Divided Years
84 Mark Rankine E9 Divine Moments of Truth
85 Rory Cummins E9 Divided Years
86 Tim Blake E9 The Dark Side
87 Nic Duboust E9 Meshuga
88 Wojciech Szymanowicz E9 Rewind
89 Adam Bowman E9 The Final Round
90 Andy Marshall E9 The Inevitable End
91 James Squire E9 Commitment Issues
92 Rob Sutton E9 Achemine
93 Ian Cooper E9 Once Upon a Time in the Southwest
94 Joseph Mullett E9 The Zone
95 Sam Radcliffe E9 The Final Round
96 Ramon Marin E9 The Final Round
97 Alex Hall E9 Trauma
98 Ed Morris E9 Muy Caliente!
99 Neil Furniss E9 Meshuga
100 Sam Hamer E9 Meshuga
101 Dan Honeyman E9 Knockin' on Heaven's Door
102 Ken Palmer E9 Question Mark
103 Tom Livingstone E9 Rare Lichen
104 Nic Sellars E9 Parthian Shot (Pre 2011 Break)