Robbie Phillips |

Quick Info

Nationality: GB
Hardest Sport (Worked): 8c
Hardest Trad (Worked): E10

Robbie is an experienced all rounder. He is particularly experienced with big alpine routes, and in particular he has completed the Alpine Trilogy of three iconic 8b+ multipitches: Silbergeier, Des Kaisers neue Kleider and End of Silence.

Contributors: remus

Quick Info

Nationality: GB
Hardest Sport (Worked): 8c
Hardest Trad (Worked): E10

Robbie is an experienced all rounder. He is particularly experienced with big alpine routes, and in particular he has completed the Alpine Trilogy of three iconic 8b+ multipitches: Silbergeier, Des Kaisers neue Kleider and End of Silence.

Contributors: remus



Pics + Vids

Punks in the Gym (8b+)
Added at 12:08 on 24 August 2023
Achemine (E9)
Added at 22:01 on 03 January 2021
Longhope Route Direct (E9)
Added at 16:11 on 22 November 2022
Valinor (E9, FA)
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Added at 06:05 on 15 May 2023
What we do in the Shadows (E10, FA)
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Added at 10:10 on 05 October 2021
What we do in the Shadows (E10, FA)
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Added at 10:10 on 05 October 2021
Le Voyage (E10)
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Added at 10:04 on 11 April 2023
What we do in the Shadows (E10, FA)
Added at 21:11 on 23 November 2021
Hyperborea (E7)
Added at 20:01 on 03 January 2022
Live Fast, Die Young (E7)
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Added at 11:07 on 15 July 2022
Impact Day (E8)
Added at 10:05 on 04 May 2022
Longhope Route Direct (E9)
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Added at 20:05 on 26 May 2022
Impulse (E8)
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Added at 13:10 on 31 October 2022
Impulse (E8)
Added at 13:10 on 31 October 2022


18 recorded ascents.

This timeline is missing some ascents where the date of the ascent is unknown. Use the other tabs to view these ascents.
Year Climb Grade Style Date
2014 Tiger Cat 8c Lead | worked 2014
Punks in the Gym 8b+ Lead | worked 2014
Lord of the Rings 8b Lead | worked 2014
Haggisaurus Rex 8c Lead | worked 24th May 2014
2015 Silbergeier 8b+ Lead | worked 2015
2017 End of Silence 8b+ Lead | worked Aug 2017
2019 Des Kaisers neue Kleider 8b+ Lead | worked Aug 2019
2020 Achemine E9 Lead | worked 2020
Nosferatu E8 Lead | worked 25th Jul 2020
First ascent.
2021 What we do in the Shadows E10 Lead | worked 5th Oct 2021
Hyperborea E7 Boulder | worked 27th Dec 2021
2022 Impulse E8 Lead | worked 2022
Impact Day E8 Lead | worked 2022
Longhope Route Direct E9 Alternate Leads | worked 25th May 2022

Robbie and partner Alex Moore swapped leads on the lower section. Robbie then lead the crux pitch placing the gear before abbing the pitch so Alex could also lead it (on Robbie's gear, to save time).



[2] Not a Hope in Hoy

Live Fast, Die Young E7 Lead | worked 14th Jul 2022
Second ascent.

Robbie spent some time cleaning up the bold mid section of the route and found several small wires and a couple of cam placements that made the route significantly safer than how it was climbed on the first ascent.

After his ascent Robbie supplied Alex Moore with his beta and Alex was able to flash the route!



2023 Le Voyage E10 Lead | worked 11th Apr 2023
Valinor E9 Lead | worked May 2023
First ascent.



Climb Grade Style Ascent Date Suggested Grade
Climb Grade Style Ascent Date Suggested Grade
What we do in the Shadows E10 Lead | worked 5th Oct 2021
Le Voyage E10 Lead | worked 11th Apr 2023
Valinor E9 Lead | worked May 2023 E9 (soft)
First ascent.



Achemine E9 Lead | worked 2020
Longhope Route Direct E9 Alternate Leads | worked 25th May 2022 E10

Robbie and partner Alex Moore swapped leads on the lower section. Robbie then lead the crux pitch placing the gear before abbing the pitch so Alex could also lead it (on Robbie's gear, to save time).



[2] Not a Hope in Hoy

Nosferatu E8 Lead | worked 25th Jul 2020
First ascent.
Impulse E8 Lead | worked 2022
Impact Day E8 Lead | worked 2022
Hyperborea E7 Boulder | worked 27th Dec 2021
Live Fast, Die Young E7 Lead | worked 14th Jul 2022 E7
Second ascent.

Robbie spent some time cleaning up the bold mid section of the route and found several small wires and a couple of cam placements that made the route significantly safer than how it was climbed on the first ascent.

After his ascent Robbie supplied Alex Moore with his beta and Alex was able to flash the route!



Climb Grade Style Ascent Date Suggested Grade