
Climb Name Type Grade # Ascents Recorded Notes Exclude Reason
Keen Roof Boulder problem 8A+ 37

Keen Roof is one of the most popular hard boulder problems in the peak district, and in the UK as a whole, largely due to it's roadside location and high number of ascents meaning beta is easy to come by.

Bat Route Sport route 8c 36

7b in to 7B with a kneebar rest, followed by an 8a+ headwall.

The Ace Boulder problem 8B 36

Alex Megos:

The holds are there, the holds are big, the moves are small, it's easy. Why is it so hard!? [1]



New Base Line Boulder problem 8B+ 32
To Bolt or Not to Be Sport route 8b+ 31
Action Directe Sport route 9a 30

Action Directe is a sport route in the Waldkopf area of the Frankenjura in Germany. It was first climbed by Wolfgang Güllich in 1991 who suggested a grade UIAA grade of XI which equates to roughly 8c+/9a. It has since settled at 9a making it one of the first of the grade in the world.

The route is famous for it's brutal, uncompromising climbing on one- and two-finger pockets. While training for the first ascent Wolfgang famously made use of the first campus board in the world (the board was erected in the Campus Centre gym in Nürnberg hence the name).

After an easier initial section leading to a ledge and hands-off rest the route consists of around 20 hand moves, a pure power-endurance testpiece.

The route is named after the french terror group of the same name.


[1] Written in Stone, Nov 2023

[2] Written in Stone interview with Ben Cossey, Nov 2023

[3] Written in Stone interview with Alex Megos, Nov 2023

Echale Boulder problem 8B+ 30
Dreamtime Boulder problem 8C 29

Originally considered 8B+/C, the crux pinch broke off around November 2009 and it is now considered 8C.



Mecca Extension Sport route 8c 29

A long standing project of Mark Leach's. Unfortunately after working out the extension he was unable to repeat Mecca so the first ascent had to wait for Steve McClure.

The Big Island Boulder problem 8C 28
Fat Lip Boulder problem 8B 26
Monkey Wedding Boulder problem 8C 26
The Nose Sport route 8b+ 26
True North Sport route 8c 26

Kilnsey's first 8c.

Esperanza Boulder problem 8B+ 25
Gaia Trad climb E8 24

A classic Johnny Dawes test piece. A hard move gains entry to the groove where easier (but scarier!) climbing awaits before a terrifying finale.

Cobra Crack Trad climb E9 23



Direct North Boulder problem 8B+ 23
Warrior Up Boulder problem 8B+ 21
Ben's Roof Boulder problem 7C 20

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