Ben Bransby

Quick Info

From: United Kingdom 🇬🇧
Gender: Male
Hardest Boulder (Worked): 8C
Hardest Sport (Worked): 8c
Hardest Trad (Worked): E10
Hardest Trad (Onsight): E7
Hardest Trad (Flash): E8
Notable Partnerships
James McHaffie

Ben Bransby is a prolific all rounder with everything from hard boulders to outrageously bold alpine-style ascents in Patagonia to his name.

At one point he was attempting to climb every route on Stanage, though as of 2024 he has hit a roadblock with the final two routes Marbellous and Mother of Pearl.




61 contributions since 10th January 2021.
3 contributions since 19th December 2024.

Quick Info

From: United Kingdom 🇬🇧
Gender: Male
Hardest Boulder (Worked): 8C
Hardest Sport (Worked): 8c
Hardest Trad (Worked): E10
Hardest Trad (Onsight): E7
Hardest Trad (Flash): E8
Notable Partnerships
James McHaffie

Ben Bransby is a prolific all rounder with everything from hard boulders to outrageously bold alpine-style ascents in Patagonia to his name.

At one point he was attempting to climb every route on Stanage, though as of 2024 he has hit a roadblock with the final two routes Marbellous and Mother of Pearl.




61 contributions since 10th January 2021.
3 contributions since 19th December 2024.




Pics + Vids

No pics or vids yet.


51 recorded ascents.

Climb Grade Style Ascent Date Suggested Grade
Make it Funky 8c Lead | worked 2006
The Beast 8c Lead | worked Aug 2013
First ascent.



Full Empire 8c Lead | worked Aug 2015
First ascent.
Cool Water 8b+ Lead | worked 29th Aug 2023
First ascent.
Freerider 7c+ Alternate Leads | worked Oct 2002
With Ivan Tresch.

In a day.

Ben and partner Ivan Tresch were caught being light-fingered in a local shop and were given a court date a couple of days later. Unsure how the court appearance might go, they decided to make a quick one day ascent before going to court in case their freedoms were more limited after the appearance in front of the law. [1]



Climb Grade Style Ascent Date Suggested Grade
Big Leviathan Extended (Sans Resin) 8C Boulder | worked Aug 2024 8C
Working Class Sit Start 8B Boulder | worked 2009
Close of Business 8B Boulder | worked 2010
Bon Atrocity 8B Boulder | worked Mar 2012
First ascent.



Mr. Lambtastic 8B Boulder | worked Aug 2020
Gwyllgi 8B Boulder | worked 26th Jul 2022
Superman 8B Boulder | worked 19th Oct 2022
The Boss 8B Boulder | worked 20th Apr 2024
Big Leviathan 8B Boulder | worked 4th Jun 2024 8B
First ascent.

Pumpy. Blowing hard on the top. Thought this was going to be a touch harder but didn't quite feel like the + today. I have a feeling this climb suits me, both in the style of climbing and morphology so grade may be conservative. Nice to do the full line. Good effort to James and Sam finding the original and Tim on the extension.





8 Ball 8A+ Boulder | worked 26th Feb 2002
With Ivan Tresch.

After a big night out in Leeds Ben felt unable to manage a day at university so instead travelled down with Ivan Tresch to try this problem. Unfortunately conditions were a little warm for their liking, so on finding some duct tape in their bag, they made little umbrellas out of tape to keep the crucial slopers in the shade! [1]



Lanny Bassham 8A+ Boulder | worked Feb 2009
Superbloc 8A+ Boulder | worked 2012
Separate Feehality 8A+ Boulder | worked 2019
Second ascent?
Leviathan SDS 8A+ Boulder | worked 15th Oct 2022
First ascent.
Chip Shop Buddy 8A Boulder | worked 2005
First ascent.
Screaming Dream 8A Lead | worked 17th Jan 2012
Fourth go.



Victorian Overmantel 7C+ Boulder | worked 24th Feb 2023
Climb Grade Style Ascent Date Suggested Grade
Parthian Shot E10 Lead | worked Nov 2013
First ascent.

The first time the route had been re-climbed since the flake broke.





[4] Ben commenting on the style of his ascent, September 2023

When it came to reclimbing it after the first flake broke I did as James [Pearson] says - climbed the original line up Brooks crack, trav left and up. I placed a higher side runner in Brooks, I can't remember exactly where but I think it was a body length or so higher than where you trav out. My thinking was it would keep me off the ground if I fell off the crux and the flake broke, but from higher would be less help. My excuses where that from big trad/adventure routes you often wiggle 'off route' by a couple of meters to place gear, I was a bit more of a wimp (wife, kid, dogs etc), and I found the route hard (I'm not as good as James, Jacopo [Larcher] etc). I placed gear in the flake on lead but then did fall off the crux. The fall was less pleasant with the side runner as it did pull me right a little into the arete below rather than just into space/against the flat wall, but it was a lot better than hitting the deck. I left the gear in for the next go, when I did manage it, so although pre placed on the ascent it was only the 3 or 4 pieces that I had placed and equalised as best I could on lead...

Longhope Route Direct E9 Alternate Leads | worked 25th May 2013
Baron Greenback E9 Lead | worked Mar 2014
Chupacabra E8 Lead | worked 16th May 1998
First ascent.
Impact Day E8 Lead | did not finish 1999

An incredible onsight effort. Ben fell off with a hand on top of the crag!


[1] On The Edge Issue 92, page 80

Black Love E8 Lead | worked Aug 1999

Placing all gear on lead.

Underworld E8 Lead | worked Aug 1999
First ascent.
Carmen Picasso E8 Lead | flash 21st Oct 2000 E8
Second ascent.

Ben watched Dave MacLeod top rope the route before flashing it with the gear in place. He then repeated the route placing all the gear on lead. Dave found some extra gear that was not used on the first ascent and Ben suggested this brought the grade down to E7/8.




[3] On The Edge Issue 103, page 10

Rodney Mullen E8 Lead | worked 10th Sep 2001 E7 (hard)
The Nose E8 Lead | worked 23rd Jun 2002
First ascent.

Took a lob first RP, then Caff did then stripped gear and I did.


[1] Climber October 2002, page 10

The Promise E8 Lead | worked 7th Dec 2008

After our extensive testing of the slider this turned into a pretty safe thing although I think Pete [Robins] saying E7 is possibly a little low (although it is Pete so what you would expect) Comparing to other E7 7as such as Little Women and Groove is in the Heart (fell off the last move on wed) it felt very slightly easier, Fb7b+ rather than Fb7c?, but a fair bit bolder - both the above are very safe, lots of runners and short falls, the Promise has one ok runner and a ground sweeping (although quite short!) fall. We only felt happy taking the fall on the Promise after a few 'practice' falls from right by it and with 5 pads and a ladder below (I would have been happy with no or one pad on the sunday).

I think for James' ascent (not trusting the runner, no pads) you could probably add an E grade or two (I am sure with UKB grade SCIENCE we could work out how many exactly). [1]




Superstition E8 Lead | worked Apr 2013
Second ascent.




Selladore E8 Lead | worked 18th Oct 2023
Beginner's Mind E7 Lead | worked 8th May 1995
The Bottom Line E7 Lead | worked Jul 1996


[1] On The Edge Issue 67, page 73

The Chisel E7 Lead | worked 27th Mar 1999
First ascent.


[1] On The Edge Issue 88, page 10

Quark Quack E7 Lead | worked 14th Apr 1999
First ascent.


[1] Climber August 1999, page 15

Internationale E7 Lead | onsight 15th May 1999
Ray's Roof E7 Lead | ground up 2000
Mind Bomb E7 Lead | worked 16th Dec 2000

Protected via a rope tensioned between two pieces of gear in adjacent routes.


[1] On The Edge Issue 106, page 12

Moon Madness E7 Lead | flash 2002
Messiah E7 Lead | ground up 20th Apr 2002
Second go.
Paralogism E7 Lead | flash 11th Dec 2005
Little Women E7 Lead | worked 16th Nov 2007
Groove is in the Heart E7 Lead | worked 10th Dec 2008
Fred Zinnerman E6 Lead | worked 1999
First ascent.

First ascent without using the bolt for protection. Ben had tried to chop it but the bolt turned out to be sturdier than it looked, so he led it with the bolt taped over.


[1] On The Edge Issue 88, page 10

Amazing Grace E6 Lead | onsight 10th Apr 1999


[1] On The Edge Issue 88, page 10

Mars Bar E6 Lead | worked 10th Apr 1999
First ascent.


[1] On The Edge Issue 88, page 10

Eternal E6 Lead | onsight 21st Oct 2000

After onsighting it Ben then downclimbed it too because he wanted to keep his boots clean!



Climb Grade Style Ascent Date Suggested Grade