Strongest Male Boulderers

The best male boulderers.

This list aims to list any male boulderer who has climbed 8C+ or harder. It only lists ascents at the climbers hardest grade, so each climbers has a single entry on the list.

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69 entries on the list.

Climber Grade Climbs
1 Simon Lorenzi 9A Soudain Seul, Alphane, Burden of Dreams
2 Aidan Roberts 9A Alphane, Spots of Time, Arrival of the Birds
3 Will Bosi 9A Alphane, Burden of Dreams, Return of the Sleepwalker
4 Shawn Raboutou 9A Megatron, Alphane
5 Nalle Hukkataival 9A Burden of Dreams
6 Nico Pelorson 9A Soudain Seul
7 Daniel Woods 9A Return of the Sleepwalker
8 Camille Coudert 9A Soudain Seul
9 Vadim Timonov 9A Blackflip SDS
10 Charles Albert 9A L’Ombre du Voyageur
11 Jakob Schubert 9A Alphane
12 Elias Iagnemma 9A Burden of Dreams
13 Drew Ruana 8C+ Sleepwalker, Creature from the Black Lagoon, Bloody Sunday SDS, Insomniac, Distortion, The Ice Knife SDS, Bookkeeping, Maxwell's Demon Low, Howl at the Moon SDS
14 Matt Fultz 8C+ Hypnotized Minds, Sleepwalker, Grand Illusion, Creature from the Black Lagoon, Brace For the Cure, Moonlight Sonata, Vecchio Leone SDS, Big Z
15 Jimmy Webb 8C+ Creature from the Black Lagoon, Sleepwalker, Ephyra, Off the Wagon Low, Poison the Well, Insomniac
16 Dave Graham 8C+ Creature from the Black Lagoon, Hypnotized Minds, Euclase, Fuck the System, Celestite
17 Ryuichi Murai 8C+ Epitaph, United, Nexus, Floatin, Sleepwalker
18 Niccolò Ceria 8C+ Ephyra, Gioia, La Révolutionnaire Assis, Off the Wagon Low, Pneuma
19 Adam Ondra 8C+ Terranova, Gioia, Ledoborec, Brutal Rider
20 Dai Koyamada 8C+ Epitaph, The Story of Two Worlds (Low Start), Nayuta
21 Griffin Whiteside 8C+ Creature from the Black Lagoon, Sleepwalker, Howl at the Moon SDS
22 Giuliano Cameroni 8C+ Poison the Well, Ephyra, Off the Wagon Low
23 Ryohei Kameyama 8C+ No Kpote Only, La Révolutionnaire Assis, Floatin
24 Andy Lamb 8C+ Creature from the Black Lagoon, Insomniac, Sleepwalker
25 Zach Galla 8C+ Grand Illusion, Sleepwalker, The Process
26 Yannick Flohé 8C+ Off the Wagon Low, Ephyra, Return of the Dreamtime
27 Francesco Berardino 8C+ Off the Wagon Low, Celestite, Return of the Dreamtime
28 Carlo Traversi 8C+ Creature from the Black Lagoon, The Dark Side
29 Sean Bailey 8C+ Grand Illusion, Devilution
30 Pablo Hammack 8C+ Sleepwalker, Creature from the Black Lagoon
31 Kazuma Ise 8C+ Hallucination, Epitaph
32 Toru Nakajima 8C+ Epitaph, Regret
33 Florian Wientjes 8C+ Off the Wagon Low, Floatin
34 Christian Core 8C+ Gioia
35 Shinichiro Nomura 8C+ Hydrangea
36 Rustam Gelmanov 8C+ Hypnotized Minds
37 Daisuke Ichimiya 8C+ Creature from the Black Lagoon
38 Akira Waku 8C+ Hydrangea
39 Nathaniel Coleman 8C+ Grand Illusion
40 Nathan Williams 8C+ Sleepwalker
41 Dylan Barks 8C+ Creature from the Black Lagoon
42 Taylor McNeill 8C+ Moonlight Sonata
43 Sergii Topishko 8C+ Off the Wagon Low
44 Jun Shibanuma 8C+ Hydrangea
45 Ignacio Sánchez González 8C+ Daños Con-Laterales
46 Takuya Nakajima 8C+ Hydrangea
47 Yuta Imaizumi 8C+ Nayuta
48 Clément Lechaptois 8C+ Fuck the System
49 Colin Duffy 8C+ Bookkeeping
50 Tim Reuser 8C+ La Révolutionnaire Assis
51 Nicolai Užnik 8C+ Emotional Landscapes
52 Michiel Nieuwenhuijsen 8C+ La Révolutionnaire Assis
53 Austin Purdy 8C+ Insomniac
54 Liam Andrews-Bancroft 8C+ Insomniac
55 Keenan Takahashi 8C+ Insomniac
56 Martin Keller 8C+ Gateway
57 Zander Waller 8C+ Sleepwalker
58 Kai Whaley 8C+ Sleepwalker
59 Stefano Carnati 8C+ Vecchio Leone SDS
60 Lasse von Freier 8C+ Off the Wagon Low
61 Pablo Zamora 8C+ Muerte por Asfixia
62 Noah Wheeler 8C+ Sleepwalker
63 Keiichiro Korenaga 8C+ Nexus
64 Jabee Kim 8C+ La Révolutionnaire Assis
65 David Fitzgerald 8C+ Big Z
66 Solly Kemball-Dorey 8C+ Isles of Wonder SDS
67 Jorge Díaz-Rullo 8C+ Muerte por Asfixia
68 Pietro Vidi 8C+ Fuck the System
69 Sam Weir 8C+ Fuck the System