Paul Robinson | | | |

Quick Info

Nationality: US
Date of birth: 28th August 1987
Hardest Boulder (Worked): 8C
Hardest Boulder (Flash): 8B
Hardest Sport (Worked): 9a+

Paul has climbed over 1000 boulder problems graded 8A or harder.

Contributors: remus, eric.jerome

Quick Info

Nationality: US
Date of birth: 28th August 1987
Hardest Boulder (Worked): 8C
Hardest Boulder (Flash): 8B
Hardest Sport (Worked): 9a+

Paul has climbed over 1000 boulder problems graded 8A or harder.

Contributors: remus, eric.jerome


Pics + Vids

Psychedelic (9a)
Added at 11:11 on 30 November 2023
REM (8C)
Added at 21:01 on 18 January 2024
REM (8C)
View this post on Instagram

Added at 16:12 on 01 December 2021
Pirate's Code (8C, FA)
Added at 16:12 on 01 December 2021
Delirium (8C)
Added at 16:12 on 01 December 2021
Monkey Wedding (8C)
Added at 16:12 on 01 December 2021
Cosmic Loneliness (8B+, FA)
Added at 07:11 on 23 November 2022
Paint it Black (8C)
Added at 16:12 on 01 December 2021
Traffic (8C)
Added at 17:12 on 01 December 2021
Karoshi (8C, FA)
Added at 17:12 on 01 December 2021
Dicktopia (8C)
Added at 15:12 on 18 December 2021
White Noise (8B+)
View this post on Instagram

Added at 19:12 on 20 December 2021
Terremer (8C)
Added at 10:05 on 15 May 2023
Wave Swoop (8B+)
Added at 15:05 on 15 May 2023
Dicktopia (8C)
View this post on Instagram

Added at 08:12 on 15 December 2021
Ill Thrill (8B+, FA)
Added at 08:04 on 25 April 2023
Trust Issues (8B+)
Added at 15:09 on 27 September 2022


48 recorded ascents.

This timeline is missing some ascents where the date of the ascent is unknown. Use the other tabs to view these ascents.
Year Climb Grade Style Date
2007 Don't Get Too Greedy 8B Boulder | worked 13th Aug 2007
First ascent.
Jade 8B+ Boulder | worked 23rd Aug 2007
Third ascent.
Nagual 8B Boulder | flash 27th Dec 2007
2008 Terremer 8C Boulder | worked 1st Jan 2008
IFSC Climbing Worldcup... Comp 3rd Boulder (Men) 7th June 2008
Amandla 8B+ Boulder | worked 17th Jul 2008
2009 Psychedelic 9a Lead | worked 24th Mar 2009
Masterpiece 8B Boulder | worked 31st Oct 2009
Third ascent.
2010 Lucid Dreaming 8C Boulder | worked 30th Mar 2010
First ascent.

Paul originally suggested 8C+, feeling it was a grade harder than Terremer, but later revised this to 8C.



Monkey Wedding 8C Boulder | worked 24th Aug 2010
Second ascent.



Ill Thrill 8B+ Boulder | worked 12th Oct 2010
First ascent.



Dreamtime 8C Boulder | worked 25th Nov 2010

a childhood dream realized. amazing to climb on this perfect boulder. 3rd asc after break. Revisiting the boulder 8C seems fair post break. low end.

Ninja Skills 8B+ Boulder | worked 3rd Dec 2010
Second ascent.
2011 La Force du Destin 8B+ Boulder | worked 17th Feb 2011
Second ascent. 3 sessions.
The Story of Two Worlds 8C Boulder | worked 8th Mar 2011
Second ascent.

The problem didn't go down without a bit of a fight, after Paul dabbed a tree right at the end of the problem before coming back to finish it off a few days later.

Mirta 8B+ Boulder | worked 9th Jul 2011
First ascent.
A Simple Knowing 8B Boulder | worked 27th Jul 2011
First ascent.
The Traphouse 8B+ Boulder | worked 10th Dec 2011
First ascent.
2012 Meadowlark Lemon 8B+ Boulder | worked 12th Jan 2012
First ascent.

This was 8C before it got chipped and aggresively brushed and eventually destroyed completely.

Paint it Black 8C Boulder | worked 18th Apr 2012
Second ascent.



Wovenhand 8B Boulder | worked 10th Sep 2012
Second ascent?
2013 The Ice Knife 8B+ Boulder | worked 19th May 2013
Warpath 8B+ Boulder | worked 29th Sep 2013
Fourth ascent.
Jaws II 9a+ Lead | worked 30th Oct 2013

Well this one sure was a process for me!!! the first boulder was my true epic and it took a while to get it sorted and then the top dead point got wpic and i fell there 6 TIMES!!!! today it clicked and it all came together... just in time too! leaving tomorrow! A huge thanks to everyone in New England! Everyone up at the crag has been super supportive to me over the past few weeks and it feels nice to be back home on the east coast for a bit! :)leaving rumney with a smile on my face!

The Grey 8B+ Boulder | worked 12th Nov 2013
White Noise 8B+ Boulder | worked 12th Nov 2013
The Nest 8C Boulder | worked 24th Dec 2013
2014 Trieste 8B+ Boulder | worked 1st Jan 2014
First ascent.
In The Depths of Solitude 8C Boulder | worked 15th Jul 2014
First ascent.
Komodo 8B+ Boulder | worked 21st Nov 2014
Fourth ascent.
2015 Wave Swoop 8B+ Boulder | worked 12th Aug 2015
Third ascent.



Owning the Weather 8B+ Boulder | worked 20th Aug 2015
Third ascent.
2016 Topaz 8C Boulder | worked 23rd Oct 2016
Third ascent.
2017 Cosmic Artifact 8B+ Boulder | worked 26th Jun 2017
Noise vs. Beauty 8C Boulder | worked 7th Jul 2017
Third ascent.
2018 Jumpman 8B+ Boulder | worked 26th Feb 2018
Pirate's Code 8C Boulder | worked 16th Jul 2018
First ascent.



Delirium 8C Boulder | worked 27th Sep 2018
Karoshi 8C Boulder | worked 15th Dec 2018
First ascent.



2019 Heritage 8B Boulder | worked 8th Jan 2019
2020 REM 8C Boulder | worked 9th Mar 2020
Muscle Car High 8B Boulder | worked 14th May 2020

Paul's 1000th problem graded 8A or harder.

Traffic 8C Boulder | worked 11th Jun 2020
Third ascent.



2021 Dicktopia 8C Boulder | worked 14th Dec 2021

Paul's first 8C after peroneal tendon reconstruction surgery and a double disc replacement.

2022 Cosmic Loneliness 8B+ Boulder | worked 2022
Legacy 9a Lead | worked 27th Jun 2022
Third ascent.
Menage a Trois 8B+ Boulder | worked 8th Jul 2022
2 sessions.
Trust Issues 8B+ Boulder | worked 31st Jul 2022
Climb Grade Style Ascent Date Suggested Grade
Jaws II 9a+ Lead | worked 30th Oct 2013

Well this one sure was a process for me!!! the first boulder was my true epic and it took a while to get it sorted and then the top dead point got wpic and i fell there 6 TIMES!!!! today it clicked and it all came together... just in time too! leaving tomorrow! A huge thanks to everyone in New England! Everyone up at the crag has been super supportive to me over the past few weeks and it feels nice to be back home on the east coast for a bit! :)leaving rumney with a smile on my face!

Psychedelic 9a Lead | worked 24th Mar 2009
Legacy 9a Lead | worked 27th Jun 2022
Third ascent.
Climb Grade Style Ascent Date Suggested Grade
Lucid Dreaming 8C Boulder | worked 30th Mar 2010 8C
First ascent.

Paul originally suggested 8C+, feeling it was a grade harder than Terremer, but later revised this to 8C.



In The Depths of Solitude 8C Boulder | worked 15th Jul 2014
First ascent.
Pirate's Code 8C Boulder | worked 16th Jul 2018
First ascent.



Karoshi 8C Boulder | worked 15th Dec 2018
First ascent.



Terremer 8C Boulder | worked 1st Jan 2008
Monkey Wedding 8C Boulder | worked 24th Aug 2010 8C
Second ascent.



Dreamtime 8C Boulder | worked 25th Nov 2010 8C (soft)

a childhood dream realized. amazing to climb on this perfect boulder. 3rd asc after break. Revisiting the boulder 8C seems fair post break. low end.

The Story of Two Worlds 8C Boulder | worked 8th Mar 2011
Second ascent.

The problem didn't go down without a bit of a fight, after Paul dabbed a tree right at the end of the problem before coming back to finish it off a few days later.

Paint it Black 8C Boulder | worked 18th Apr 2012
Second ascent.



The Nest 8C Boulder | worked 24th Dec 2013
Topaz 8C Boulder | worked 23rd Oct 2016
Third ascent.
Noise vs. Beauty 8C Boulder | worked 7th Jul 2017
Third ascent.
Delirium 8C Boulder | worked 27th Sep 2018
REM 8C Boulder | worked 9th Mar 2020 8B+
Traffic 8C Boulder | worked 11th Jun 2020
Third ascent.



Dicktopia 8C Boulder | worked 14th Dec 2021

Paul's first 8C after peroneal tendon reconstruction surgery and a double disc replacement.

Mirror Reality 8C Boulder | worked
Ill Thrill 8B+ Boulder | worked 12th Oct 2010
First ascent.



Mirta 8B+ Boulder | worked 9th Jul 2011 8B+
First ascent.
The Traphouse 8B+ Boulder | worked 10th Dec 2011 8B+
First ascent.
Meadowlark Lemon 8B+ Boulder | worked 12th Jan 2012 8C
First ascent.

This was 8C before it got chipped and aggresively brushed and eventually destroyed completely.

Trieste 8B+ Boulder | worked 1st Jan 2014
First ascent.
Cosmic Loneliness 8B+ Boulder | worked 2022
Jade 8B+ Boulder | worked 23rd Aug 2007
Third ascent.
Amandla 8B+ Boulder | worked 17th Jul 2008
Ninja Skills 8B+ Boulder | worked 3rd Dec 2010
Second ascent.
La Force du Destin 8B+ Boulder | worked 17th Feb 2011 8B+
Second ascent. 3 sessions.
The Ice Knife 8B+ Boulder | worked 19th May 2013 8C (soft)
Warpath 8B+ Boulder | worked 29th Sep 2013
Fourth ascent.
The Grey 8B+ Boulder | worked 12th Nov 2013 8B+ (soft)
White Noise 8B+ Boulder | worked 12th Nov 2013
Komodo 8B+ Boulder | worked 21st Nov 2014
Fourth ascent.
Wave Swoop 8B+ Boulder | worked 12th Aug 2015
Third ascent.



Owning the Weather 8B+ Boulder | worked 20th Aug 2015
Third ascent.
Cosmic Artifact 8B+ Boulder | worked 26th Jun 2017 8B+
Jumpman 8B+ Boulder | worked 26th Feb 2018
Menage a Trois 8B+ Boulder | worked 8th Jul 2022
2 sessions.
Trust Issues 8B+ Boulder | worked 31st Jul 2022
Don't Get Too Greedy 8B Boulder | worked 13th Aug 2007
First ascent.
A Simple Knowing 8B Boulder | worked 27th Jul 2011
First ascent.
Nagual 8B Boulder | flash 27th Dec 2007
Masterpiece 8B Boulder | worked 31st Oct 2009
Third ascent.
Wovenhand 8B Boulder | worked 10th Sep 2012
Second ascent?
Heritage 8B Boulder | worked 8th Jan 2019
Muscle Car High 8B Boulder | worked 14th May 2020

Paul's 1000th problem graded 8A or harder.

Climb Grade Style Ascent Date Suggested Grade
Climb Grade Style Ascent Date Suggested Grade