Spots of Time | 9A (approx) Boulder problem

Also known as Helvellyn Project.

The name is a reference to a poem by William Wordsworth:

There are in our existence spots of time,

That with distinct pre-eminence retain

A renovating virtue, whence, depressed,

By false opinion and contentious thought,

Or aught of heavier or more deadly weight,

In trivial occupations, and the round

Of ordinary intercourse, our minds

Are nourished and invisibly repaired;

A virtue, by which pleasure is enhanced,

That penetrates, enables us to mount

When high, more high, and lifts us up when fallen [3]





Contributors: remus

Pics + Vids

Aidan Roberts
Added at 05:04 on 10 April 2024


1 recorded ascents.

Climber Style Ascent Date Suggested Grade
Aidan Roberts Boulder | worked Feb 2024
First ascent. Around 35 sessions.

10 sessions just to do the individual moves.

In terms of things I've done in climbing...I think it's the experience I'm most proud of, and I feel like it's really special to have found that so close to my home. [2]


[1] Helvellyn Project - Close Attempt

