Ned Feehally |

Quick Info

Nationality: GB
Hardest Boulder (Worked): 8C
Hardest Boulder (Flash): 8B+
Hardest Trad (Worked): E8
Notable Partnerships
Shauna Coxsey

Prolific explorer and first ascenionist in the peak district. Has also repeated many hard problems at home and abroad. Part owner of Beastmaker.


[1] Interview with Simon Lee

[2] Wedge Climbing profile

Features in 56° Underground, Life on Hold, UKC Profile of Ned.

Contributors: remus

Quick Info

Nationality: GB
Hardest Boulder (Worked): 8C
Hardest Boulder (Flash): 8B+
Hardest Trad (Worked): E8
Notable Partnerships
Shauna Coxsey

Prolific explorer and first ascenionist in the peak district. Has also repeated many hard problems at home and abroad. Part owner of Beastmaker.


[1] Interview with Simon Lee

[2] Wedge Climbing profile

Features in 56° Underground, Life on Hold, UKC Profile of Ned.

Contributors: remus



Pics + Vids

Added at 16:01 on 13 January 2021
Added at 16:01 on 13 January 2021
Added at 16:01 on 13 January 2021
Added at 17:01 on 13 January 2021
Added at 19:09 on 12 September 2021
Trust Issues (8B+)
View this post on Instagram

Added at 18:09 on 01 September 2023
Voyager SDS (8B+)
View this post on Instagram

Added at 21:02 on 24 February 2024
The Promise (E8)
Added at 19:12 on 12 December 2023
Superbloc (8A+)
Added at 19:12 on 12 December 2023
A Bigger Berry SDS (8A+)
Added at 21:02 on 28 February 2024
Awooga (7C)
Added at 06:02 on 29 February 2024
Voyager SDS (8B+)
Added at 18:12 on 18 December 2020
Pool of Bethesda (Malc's Start) (8B)
Added at 18:02 on 05 February 2021
Dandelion Mind (8B)
Added at 18:02 on 05 February 2021
My Own Private Idaho (8B)
Added at 18:02 on 05 February 2021
Waveform (8A+, FA)
Added at 18:02 on 05 February 2021
Tomahawk (8B+)
Added at 18:02 on 05 February 2021
The Big Island (8C)
Added at 18:02 on 05 February 2021
Serendipity (8B+)
Added at 18:02 on 05 February 2021
The Vice (8B)
Added at 18:02 on 05 February 2021
Sky (8B)
Added at 18:02 on 05 February 2021
Compact Culture (8B)
Added at 18:02 on 05 February 2021
Voyager SDS (8B+)
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Added at 12:02 on 10 February 2021
Big Paw (8B+)
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Added at 12:02 on 10 February 2021
Amandla (8B+)
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Added at 12:02 on 10 February 2021
Ned Zeppelin (8A, FA)
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Added at 07:01 on 01 January 2023
Careless Torque (8A)
Added at 20:05 on 08 May 2023
Ragga (8B)
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Added at 10:06 on 13 June 2023
Mein Vein SDS (8A+)
Added at 14:11 on 30 November 2021


47 recorded ascents.

This timeline is missing some ascents where the date of the ascent is unknown. Use the other tabs to view these ascents.
Year Climb Grade Style Date
2009 Careless Torque 8A Boulder | worked 6th Sep 2009



2010 A Bigger Belly 8B Boulder | worked 2010
Second ascent?

Although this problem is one of the worst and most minging things I have ever climbed on I needed to finish it off.

2011 The Prow 8A Boulder | worked Nov 2011
2012 The Promise E8 Boulder | ground up 2012
2013 Superstition E8 Lead | worked Apr 2013


Enemy Anemone 8B Boulder | worked 11th Aug 2013
First ascent.
2015 Thick End ff the Wedge 8A Boulder | worked 2015
First ascent.
Jour de Chasse 8B+ Boulder | worked Feb 2015
Pool of Bethesda (Malc's Start) 8B Boulder | worked Sep 2015
Dandelion Mind 8B Boulder | worked Sep 2015
Superman SDS 8B+ Boulder | worked 2nd Sep 2015
The Big Island 8C Boulder | worked Oct 2015
2016 Dhalism 8A+ Boulder | worked 2016
Ned Zeppelin 8A Boulder | worked 2016
Voyager 8B Boulder | worked 16th Jan 2016
Voyager SDS 8B+ Boulder | worked 3rd Feb 2016
Waveform 8A+ Boulder | worked Apr 2016
First ascent.



2017 Big Paw 8B+ Boulder | worked 28th Feb 2017
Amandla 8B+ Boulder | worked 16th Jul 2017
Trust Issues 8B+ Boulder | flash 23rd Jul 2017

Usually, you’ll go out and do something that you’re pleased with. And then that instant people will ask “how was that?” You don’t really know, you’re just pleased you’ve done it. I did think about that when I was in Rocklands this time because I flashed quite a hard thing. I kind of went up there, had one go, and climbed it — which took what like 30 seconds? But you’re always asked for your opinion on this sort of thing at the very instant that you’ve done it. It misses out on the 20 years that have led up to that point. Which is, well, a lot more of it. [2]




Ill Behaviour 8B Boulder | worked 8th Nov 2017
2018 The Ramp 8B+ Boulder | worked 2018
First ascent.
Kobe 8A Boulder | worked 4th Feb 2018
First ascent.
Mr. Lambtastic 8B Boulder | worked Jul 2018
First ascent.
2019 Second Coming 8B Boulder | worked 1st Sep 2019
2020 The Boss 8B+ Boulder | worked 9th Mar 2020
First ascent.


[1] Ned working the problem

Firestarter 8B+ Boulder | worked 12th Sep 2020
First ascent.
2021 Sine of the Times 8B+ Boulder | worked 2021
First ascent.
Sine Language 8C Boulder | worked 9th Jul 2021
First ascent.
Mein Vein SDS 8A+ Boulder | worked Nov 2021
Second ascent.

First re-ascent after a heel hook that was used on the FA snapped off.

It definitely feels harder now than it did with the heel spike. No idea on the grade. Maybe hard 8A+. But very high quality however hard it is.” said Ned after the ascent. [1]




2023 Ragga 8B Boulder | worked 2023
Crescendo 8B+ Boulder | worked Nov 2023
2024 Permanent Midnight 8A+ Boulder | flash 25th May 2024
Climb Grade Style Ascent Date Suggested Grade
Climb Grade Style Ascent Date Suggested Grade
Sine Language 8C Boulder | worked 9th Jul 2021
First ascent.
The Big Island 8C Boulder | worked Oct 2015
Serenata 8C Boulder | worked
The Ramp 8B+ Boulder | worked 2018
First ascent.
The Boss 8B+ Boulder | worked 9th Mar 2020
First ascent.


[1] Ned working the problem

Firestarter 8B+ Boulder | worked 12th Sep 2020
First ascent.
Sine of the Times 8B+ Boulder | worked 2021
First ascent.
Serenade 8B+ Boulder | worked
First ascent.
Jour de Chasse 8B+ Boulder | worked Feb 2015
Superman SDS 8B+ Boulder | worked 2nd Sep 2015
Voyager SDS 8B+ Boulder | worked 3rd Feb 2016
Big Paw 8B+ Boulder | worked 28th Feb 2017
Amandla 8B+ Boulder | worked 16th Jul 2017
Trust Issues 8B+ Boulder | flash 23rd Jul 2017

Usually, you’ll go out and do something that you’re pleased with. And then that instant people will ask “how was that?” You don’t really know, you’re just pleased you’ve done it. I did think about that when I was in Rocklands this time because I flashed quite a hard thing. I kind of went up there, had one go, and climbed it — which took what like 30 seconds? But you’re always asked for your opinion on this sort of thing at the very instant that you’ve done it. It misses out on the 20 years that have led up to that point. Which is, well, a lot more of it. [2]




Crescendo 8B+ Boulder | worked Nov 2023
Serendipity 8B+ Boulder | worked
Tomahawk 8B+ Boulder | worked
Enemy Anemone 8B Boulder | worked 11th Aug 2013
First ascent.
Ill Behaviour 8B Boulder | worked 8th Nov 2017
Mr. Lambtastic 8B Boulder | worked Jul 2018
First ascent.
Half Lamb, Half Machine 8B Boulder | worked
First ascent.
A Bigger Belly 8B Boulder | worked 2010
Second ascent?

Although this problem is one of the worst and most minging things I have ever climbed on I needed to finish it off.

Pool of Bethesda (Malc's Start) 8B Boulder | worked Sep 2015
Dandelion Mind 8B Boulder | worked Sep 2015
Voyager 8B Boulder | worked 16th Jan 2016
Second Coming 8B Boulder | worked 1st Sep 2019
Ragga 8B Boulder | worked 2023
My Own Private Idaho 8B Boulder | worked
Second ascent.

Ned started in a slightly different place to the FA.

Paper Birds Low 8B Boulder | worked
Second ascent.
Compact Culture 8B Boulder | worked
Sky 8B Boulder | worked
The Vice 8B Boulder | worked
Dhalism 8A+ Boulder | worked 2016
Waveform 8A+ Boulder | worked Apr 2016
First ascent.



Mein Vein SDS 8A+ Boulder | worked Nov 2021
Second ascent.

First re-ascent after a heel hook that was used on the FA snapped off.

It definitely feels harder now than it did with the heel spike. No idea on the grade. Maybe hard 8A+. But very high quality however hard it is.” said Ned after the ascent. [1]




Permanent Midnight 8A+ Boulder | flash 25th May 2024
Superbloc 8A+ Boulder | worked
A Bigger Berry SDS 8A+ Boulder | worked
Thick End ff the Wedge 8A Boulder | worked 2015
First ascent.
Ned Zeppelin 8A Boulder | worked 2016
Kobe 8A Boulder | worked 4th Feb 2018
First ascent.
Beef Manifold 8A Boulder | worked
First ascent.
Careless Torque 8A Boulder | worked 6th Sep 2009



The Prow 8A Boulder | worked Nov 2011
Awooga 7C Boulder | worked
Climb Grade Style Ascent Date Suggested Grade
The Promise E8 Boulder | ground up 2012
Superstition E8 Lead | worked Apr 2013


Climb Grade Style Ascent Date Suggested Grade