Superman SDS | 8B+ Boulder problem at Crag X |

Sit start to Superman.

Originally thought to be 8B/+. A 'crucial' side pull broke after the first ascent but it was later re-climbed without the side pull.

Contributors: remus

Pics + Vids

Will Bosi
Added at 16:07 on 01 July 2022
Max Milne
View this post on Instagram

Added at 19:09 on 05 September 2023


8 recorded ascents.

Climber Style Ascent Date Suggested Grade
Ben Moon Boulder | worked 1994
First ascent.
Tim Clifford Boulder | worked Between 1st Jan 2000 and 1st Jan 2006
Ned Feehally Boulder | worked 2nd Sep 2015
Will Bosi Boulder | worked 6th Jul 2020
Aidan Roberts Boulder | worked 31st Aug 2020
Billy Ridal Boulder | worked 16th Oct 2020
Pete Dawson Boulder | worked 11th May 2022
Max Milne Boulder | worked 5th Sep 2023