
Climber Name # Ascents Recorded Notes
Tom de Gay 16
Tristan Chen 16
Yuji Hirayama 16


[1] Interview with PlanetMountain, 1999

Alberto Rocasolano Jaudenes 15
Angus Kille 15
Ashima Shiraishi 15


[1] Interview with Sam Prior and Aidan Roberts, April 2024

Ben Burkhalter 15
Bob Hickish 15
Isabelle Faus 15

Isabelle Faus is an American boulderer with many hard ascents to her name. Alongside contemporaries like Alex Puccio she was one of the first women to become established at 8B+.

Jernej Kruder 15
Jon Fullwood 15

Jon Fullwood is a climber with a long history of access, conservation and development work in the UK. In particular in the Peak District where he has added many new routes and boulder problems.


[1] Access All Areas, an interview with Sam Pratt, April 2024. Summit Issue 113, page 35.

Josh Ibbertson 15


[1] Interview with

Lucy Mitchell 15
Marc le Menestrel 15

Features in The Real Thing, Bleau.

Mark Leach 15

Features in Statement of Youth.

Michiel Nieuwenhuijsen 15
Mick Lovatt 15
Patxi Usobiaga 15


[1] Patxi's vimeo channel

Paul Pritchard 15

Paul Pritchard is a British rock climber and mountaineer. He was a prominent figure in the 1980s and 1990s, particularly in and around North Wales.

On the 13th February 1998 he suffered a traumatic brain injury while climbing on The Totem Pole in Tasmania which left him with hemiplegia.


(2012). Deep play: Climbing the world’s most dangerous routes (2nd ed.). Vertebrate Publishing.

(2000). The totem pole: Surviving the ultimate adventure. Robinson Publishing.

(2005). The longest climb: Back from the abyss. Constable and Robinson.

(2021). The Mountain Path: A climber’s journey through life and death. Vertebrate Publishing.


[1] Features in 80's Birth of Extreme

[2] A Kind of Homecoming by Martin Crook, On The Edge Issue 87, page 18

Arne Farestveit 14

Grew up at Kvam

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