Alex Honnold | | | | | | |

Quick Info

Nationality: US
Date of birth: 17th August 1985
Hardest Boulder (Worked): 8A
Hardest Sport (Worked): 9a
Hardest Sport (Flash): 8b
Hardest Trad (Worked): E10
Hardest Trad (Onsight): E7
Hardest Trad (Flash): E8

Alex Honnold is one of the most accomplished solo climbers of all time. His ascents throughout North America and the rest of the world have pushed the soloing standard to new heights.

Most notably Alex was the first person to free solo a route on El Capitan in Yosemite with his ascent of Freerider in 2017.

Other Work

Alex co-presents the Climbing Gold podcast alongside Fitz Cahall.

In 2012 Alex founded The Honnold Foundation. The foundation's aim is to improve access to solar electricity.

Contributors: remus

Quick Info

Nationality: US
Date of birth: 17th August 1985
Hardest Boulder (Worked): 8A
Hardest Sport (Worked): 9a
Hardest Sport (Flash): 8b
Hardest Trad (Worked): E10
Hardest Trad (Onsight): E7
Hardest Trad (Flash): E8

Alex Honnold is one of the most accomplished solo climbers of all time. His ascents throughout North America and the rest of the world have pushed the soloing standard to new heights.

Most notably Alex was the first person to free solo a route on El Capitan in Yosemite with his ascent of Freerider in 2017.

Other Work

Alex co-presents the Climbing Gold podcast alongside Fitz Cahall.

In 2012 Alex founded The Honnold Foundation. The foundation's aim is to improve access to solar electricity.

Contributors: remus


Pics + Vids

The Dark Side (E8)
Added at 17:12 on 20 December 2023
Freerider (7c+)
View this post on Instagram

Added at 11:07 on 24 July 2024
The Phoenix (E7)
Added at 06:07 on 02 July 2024
Heaven (E6)
Added at 18:12 on 20 December 2022
The Nose (8b+)
Added at 06:05 on 25 May 2021
Gaia (E8)
Added at 21:02 on 07 February 2022
Belly Full of Bad Berries (E8)
Added at 13:03 on 28 March 2022
Wet Lycra Nightmare (8b)
View this post on Instagram

Added at 07:12 on 26 December 2022
Freerider (7c+)
View this post on Instagram

Added at 08:12 on 26 December 2022
El Sendero Luminoso (7c)
Added at 08:12 on 26 December 2022
El Sendero Luminoso (7c)
Added at 16:08 on 25 August 2022


30 recorded ascents.

Year Climb Grade Style Date
2007 Astroman E5 Solo | worked 2007

The same day Alex soloed The North Face on The Rostrum, emulating Peter Croft's effort in 1987.

The North Face E5 Solo | worked 2007

The same day he soloed Astroman.

2008 Moonlight Buttress E6 Solo | worked 2008
Belly Full of Bad Berries E8 Lead | worked 27th Mar 2008
Second ascent.

I wouldn't call myself an offwidth climber but I just did the hardest offwidth in the creek.



The Promise E8 Lead | worked 1st Nov 2008
End of the Affair E8 Lead | flash 7th Nov 2008
Knockin' on Heaven's Door E9 Lead | worked 12th Nov 2008

I climbed the easiest way up to the gear on Born Slippy, then finished up the slab. Don't know what this is supposed to be but it's the most natural way up the cool slab.

Gaia E8 Lead | flash 12th Nov 2008

Not a true onsight since I've seen movies, but there was no chalk. Good times one way or another.




The New Statesman E8 Lead | worked 15th Nov 2008

Awesome line. Much, much harder than the EOTA [End of the Affair] or Gaia. Thank to the random folk nearby for lending a few pads.

Parthian Shot (Pre 2011 Break) E9 Lead | worked 16th Nov 2008
Meshuga E9 Solo | worked 19th Nov 2008

Light rain, standard english fare...

The Master's Edge E7 Lead | onsight 21st Nov 2008
London Wall E5 Solo | onsight 21st Nov 2008
2009 Hupolup Kempf 8a+ Deep Water Solo | worked 18th Sep 2009
2010 Ambrosia 8A Boulder | worked 17th Feb 2010
Second ascent.

Awesome! Super psyched. Thanks to everyone for a bunch of pads. Different beta than Kevin, which made it easier, but I'm still calling it 8a, just cause it's so tall.

2011 The Book of Hate E9 Lead | worked 2nd May 2011
The Phoenix E7 Solo | worked Jun 2011
Cobra Crack E9 Lead | worked 11th Aug 2011
Heaven E6 Solo | flash 22nd Sep 2011
Standing on the Shoulders of Giants 7C Boulder | worked 14th Dec 2011

Other than the shoulder-stand start this is an amazing problem. Sonnie's vision.

2012 Too Big to Flail E10 Solo | worked 15th Jan 2012
First ascent.

[I was] shaking a bit up there. It's f***ing scary!



2014 El Sendero Luminoso 7c Solo | worked 15th Jan 2014
2015 Wet Lycra Nightmare 8b Lead | worked 23rd Sep 2015
Second ascent.



2016 The Complete Scream E8 Solo | worked 2016
The Dark Side E8 Lead | flash Jun 2016
2017 Freerider 7c+ Solo | worked 3rd Jun 2017
03hrs 57mins.

One of the wildest solo ascents ever.




2018 The Nose 8b+ Simul | worked 6th Jun 2018
With Tommy Caldwell. 01hrs 58mins.



2019 Arrested Development 9a Lead | worked 13th Sep 2019
Passage to Freedom 8b Lead | worked Between 28th Oct 2019 and 31st Oct 2019
First ascent.
2024 Reggae 8b Lead | flash 10th Apr 2024
Climb Grade Style Ascent Date Suggested Grade
Arrested Development 9a Lead | worked 13th Sep 2019
The Nose 8b+ Simul | worked 6th Jun 2018
With Tommy Caldwell. 01hrs 58mins.



Passage to Freedom 8b Lead | worked Between 28th Oct 2019 and 31st Oct 2019
First ascent.
Wet Lycra Nightmare 8b Lead | worked 23rd Sep 2015
Second ascent.



Reggae 8b Lead | flash 10th Apr 2024
Freerider 7c+ Solo | worked 3rd Jun 2017
03hrs 57mins.

One of the wildest solo ascents ever.




El Sendero Luminoso 7c Solo | worked 15th Jan 2014
Climb Grade Style Ascent Date Suggested Grade
Ambrosia 8A Boulder | worked 17th Feb 2010 8A
Second ascent.

Awesome! Super psyched. Thanks to everyone for a bunch of pads. Different beta than Kevin, which made it easier, but I'm still calling it 8a, just cause it's so tall.

Standing on the Shoulders of Giants 7C Boulder | worked 14th Dec 2011

Other than the shoulder-stand start this is an amazing problem. Sonnie's vision.

Climb Grade Style Ascent Date Suggested Grade
Too Big to Flail E10 Solo | worked 15th Jan 2012
First ascent.

[I was] shaking a bit up there. It's f***ing scary!



Knockin' on Heaven's Door E9 Lead | worked 12th Nov 2008

I climbed the easiest way up to the gear on Born Slippy, then finished up the slab. Don't know what this is supposed to be but it's the most natural way up the cool slab.

Parthian Shot (Pre 2011 Break) E9 Lead | worked 16th Nov 2008
Meshuga E9 Solo | worked 19th Nov 2008

Light rain, standard english fare...

The Book of Hate E9 Lead | worked 2nd May 2011
Cobra Crack E9 Lead | worked 11th Aug 2011
Belly Full of Bad Berries E8 Lead | worked 27th Mar 2008
Second ascent.

I wouldn't call myself an offwidth climber but I just did the hardest offwidth in the creek.



The Promise E8 Lead | worked 1st Nov 2008 E8
End of the Affair E8 Lead | flash 7th Nov 2008
Gaia E8 Lead | flash 12th Nov 2008

Not a true onsight since I've seen movies, but there was no chalk. Good times one way or another.




The New Statesman E8 Lead | worked 15th Nov 2008

Awesome line. Much, much harder than the EOTA [End of the Affair] or Gaia. Thank to the random folk nearby for lending a few pads.

The Complete Scream E8 Solo | worked 2016
The Dark Side E8 Lead | flash Jun 2016
The Master's Edge E7 Lead | onsight 21st Nov 2008
The Phoenix E7 Solo | worked Jun 2011
Moonlight Buttress E6 Solo | worked 2008
Heaven E6 Solo | flash 22nd Sep 2011
Astroman E5 Solo | worked 2007

The same day Alex soloed The North Face on The Rostrum, emulating Peter Croft's effort in 1987.

The North Face E5 Solo | worked 2007

The same day he soloed Astroman.

London Wall E5 Solo | onsight 21st Nov 2008
Climb Grade Style Ascent Date Suggested Grade
Hupolup Kempf 8a+ Deep Water Solo | worked 18th Sep 2009