Ben Cossey |

Quick Info

Nationality: AU
Hardest Sport (Worked): 8c+
Hardest Trad (Worked): E9

Contributors: remus
Added on 6th February 2021. Last updated on 21st May 2024.

Quick Info

Nationality: AU
Hardest Sport (Worked): 8c+
Hardest Trad (Worked): E9
Contributors: remus
Added on 6th February 2021. Last updated on 21st May 2024.

Pics + Vids

Action Directe (9a)
Added at 18:11 on 27 November 2023
Simbas Pride (E8)
Added at 23:02 on 09 February 2024
Light Weight Baby (8c+, FA)
View this post on Instagram

Added at 13:05 on 14 May 2024
Light Weight Baby (8c+, FA)
View this post on Instagram

Added at 13:05 on 21 May 2024
Groove Train (8c, FA)
Added at 13:02 on 06 February 2021


6 recorded ascents.

This timeline is missing some ascents where the date of the ascent is unknown. Use the other tabs to view these ascents.
Year Climb Grade Style Date
2007 Nocturnal Emission E9 Lead | worked 14th Jan 2007
2009 Groove Train 8c Lead | worked 16th Mar 2009
First ascent.

Fuck, I'm the fucking best. [1]



2011 The Wheel of Life 9a Boulder | worked 30th Sep 2011

What a rad thing.

2012 Action Directe 9a Lead | did not finish 2012
2024 Light Weight Baby 8c+ Lead | worked 6th May 2024
First ascent.

I first saw this line when I was 15. Sean Myles had bolted it and he, Jerry Moffatt, Garth, Nick Sutter, Zac Vertrees and Fred Nicole had all had a play. I have a memory of sitting staring at it as we drove home when I was 15, the sun rising over it and thinking to myself “I’m gonna do that route”…Time goes by and life happens but this line was still there unclimbed in the forefront of my mind. It’s a connies dependent route, which bakes in the sun all day and is 1,000kms from home which added to the trickiness of getting it done. It’s in the most beautiful place on earth overlooking the Wimmera and Punks in the Gym, up where the wind whispers “Wolfgang”. I feel super proud to have done the FA of a line that typifies the Arapilisian style. Climbing, and the process of climbing a project doesn’t get better 💘 Grade-wise, I feel 34 best reflects the difficulties of the line, which’d make it the first at Arapiles, personally I think that is pretty cool. [1]




Climb Grade Style Ascent Date Suggested Grade
Action Directe 9a Lead | did not finish 2012
Light Weight Baby 8c+ Lead | worked 6th May 2024 8c+
First ascent.

I first saw this line when I was 15. Sean Myles had bolted it and he, Jerry Moffatt, Garth, Nick Sutter, Zac Vertrees and Fred Nicole had all had a play. I have a memory of sitting staring at it as we drove home when I was 15, the sun rising over it and thinking to myself “I’m gonna do that route”…Time goes by and life happens but this line was still there unclimbed in the forefront of my mind. It’s a connies dependent route, which bakes in the sun all day and is 1,000kms from home which added to the trickiness of getting it done. It’s in the most beautiful place on earth overlooking the Wimmera and Punks in the Gym, up where the wind whispers “Wolfgang”. I feel super proud to have done the FA of a line that typifies the Arapilisian style. Climbing, and the process of climbing a project doesn’t get better 💘 Grade-wise, I feel 34 best reflects the difficulties of the line, which’d make it the first at Arapiles, personally I think that is pretty cool. [1]




Groove Train 8c Lead | worked 16th Mar 2009 8c
First ascent.

Fuck, I'm the fucking best. [1]



Climb Grade Style Ascent Date Suggested Grade
Climb Grade Style Ascent Date Suggested Grade
Nocturnal Emission E9 Lead | worked 14th Jan 2007
Simbas Pride E8 Solo | worked
Climb Grade Style Ascent Date Suggested Grade
The Wheel of Life 9a Boulder | worked 30th Sep 2011 8B+

What a rad thing.