Garth Miller

Quick Info

Nationality: AU
Hardest Sport (Onsight): 8b+

Contributors: remus

Quick Info

Nationality: AU
Hardest Sport (Onsight): 8b+
Contributors: remus


3 recorded ascents.

This timeline is missing some ascents where the date of the ascent is unknown. Use the other tabs to view these ascents.
Year Climb Grade Style Date
1996 Zovirax en L'Empire des Sens 8b Lead | onsight 1996
1997 Cannibals Direct 8b+ Lead | onsight 1997

The second ever onsight of an 8b+.

Climb Grade Style Ascent Date Suggested Grade
Cannibals Direct 8b+ Lead | onsight 1997

The second ever onsight of an 8b+.

Better Than Life 8b+ Lead | onsight
Zovirax en L'Empire des Sens 8b Lead | onsight 1996
Climb Grade Style Ascent Date Suggested Grade
Climb Grade Style Ascent Date Suggested Grade
Climb Grade Style Ascent Date Suggested Grade