Nathan Lee | |

Quick Info

Nationality: GB
Hardest Sport (Worked): 8c
Hardest Trad (Worked): E9
Hardest Trad (Flash): E7

Contributors: remus

Quick Info

Nationality: GB
Hardest Sport (Worked): 8c
Hardest Trad (Worked): E9
Hardest Trad (Flash): E7
Contributors: remus


Pics + Vids

Order of the Phoenix (E8)
Added at 09:07 on 04 July 2024
Highball That You Bastards! (E7)
Added at 06:05 on 30 May 2024
My Piano (E8)
Added at 18:07 on 06 July 2021
Unknown Stones (E9, FA)
Added at 10:07 on 19 July 2021


20 recorded ascents.

Year Climb Grade Style Date
2012 My Piano E8 Lead | worked 17th Mar 2012
Highball That You Bastards! E7 Lead | worked 22nd Jul 2012
Second ascent?



Gaia E8 Lead | worked 27th Oct 2012
2013 Let's Get Killed E7 Solo | worked 5th Mar 2013
Second ascent?
Order of the Phoenix E8 Solo | worked 4th May 2013
Appointment with Death E9 Lead | worked 25th May 2013
French Kiss E8 Lead | worked 10th Sep 2013
Unknown Stones E9 Lead | worked 20th Sep 2013
First ascent.



Inspiration Dedication E8 Lead | worked 29th Sep 2013
Second ascent.
Meshuga E9 Lead | worked 24th Oct 2013
The Zone E9 Lead | worked 13th Nov 2013
2014 Rare Lichen E9 Lead | worked 4th Apr 2014
2015 The Complete Scream E8 Lead | worked 19th Jun 2015
Tolerance E8 Lead | worked 23rd Jun 2015
2016 The Master's Edge E7 Lead | flash 7th Mar 2016
2018 Divided Years E9 Lead | worked 16th May 2018

The route I’ve most wanted to climb for a long, long time. 4 days, one day on a rope, and three from the ground. Hard, fell on the pecker a lot, felt pretty near my limit sportwise. Had basically given up the go before as well, I can still barely believe it!

2020 Mecca Extension 8c Lead | worked 12th Sep 2020
2021 Do You Know Where Your Children Are? E8 Lead | worked 25th Aug 2021
2022 Fish Eye 8c Lead | worked 4th Mar 2022
2023 The Final Round E9 Lead | worked 28th Aug 2023
Climb Grade Style Ascent Date Suggested Grade
Mecca Extension 8c Lead | worked 12th Sep 2020
Fish Eye 8c Lead | worked 4th Mar 2022
Climb Grade Style Ascent Date Suggested Grade
Climb Grade Style Ascent Date Suggested Grade
Unknown Stones E9 Lead | worked 20th Sep 2013
First ascent.



Appointment with Death E9 Lead | worked 25th May 2013
Meshuga E9 Lead | worked 24th Oct 2013
The Zone E9 Lead | worked 13th Nov 2013
Rare Lichen E9 Lead | worked 4th Apr 2014
Divided Years E9 Lead | worked 16th May 2018

The route I’ve most wanted to climb for a long, long time. 4 days, one day on a rope, and three from the ground. Hard, fell on the pecker a lot, felt pretty near my limit sportwise. Had basically given up the go before as well, I can still barely believe it!

The Final Round E9 Lead | worked 28th Aug 2023 E8
My Piano E8 Lead | worked 17th Mar 2012
Gaia E8 Lead | worked 27th Oct 2012
Order of the Phoenix E8 Solo | worked 4th May 2013 E8
French Kiss E8 Lead | worked 10th Sep 2013 E7
Inspiration Dedication E8 Lead | worked 29th Sep 2013
Second ascent.
The Complete Scream E8 Lead | worked 19th Jun 2015
Tolerance E8 Lead | worked 23rd Jun 2015
Do You Know Where Your Children Are? E8 Lead | worked 25th Aug 2021
Highball That You Bastards! E7 Lead | worked 22nd Jul 2012
Second ascent?



Let's Get Killed E7 Solo | worked 5th Mar 2013
Second ascent?
The Master's Edge E7 Lead | flash 7th Mar 2016
Climb Grade Style Ascent Date Suggested Grade