
Climber Name # Ascents Recorded Notes
Severino Scassa 2
Shaun Hutson 2
Siegfried Herford 2

From a letter to Siegfried's parents, from a divisional colleague:

Among us all he was not only very popular, but respected too, and we all feel his loss sorely. On the march he never tired, and on innumerable occasions, at the end of a trying march, Herford was to be seen cheerfully striding along carrying another man's rifle in addition to his own. On our first visit to the trenches I sprained my ankle rather badly, and though we were in the open and under fire, it was your splendid son who not only took my equipment, but gave me a shoulder to the field dressing station. [1]




Sierra Blaire-Coyle 2
Simon Boes 2
Simon Reed 2
Si O'Conor 2
Soline Kentzel 2
Štěpán Volf 2
Steph Davis 2
Steve Lewis 2

Features in Statement of Youth.

Steve Schneider 2
Steve Townshend 2
Symon Welfringer 2
Takuya Nakajima 2
Tanner Mack 2
Teo Genecand 2
Theo Elmer 2
Thomas Betterton 2
Tom Frost 2



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