Charles Albert

Also known as: Barefoot Charles and Mowgli

Quick Info

From: France 🇫🇷
Date of birth: 10th September 1997
Age: 27 years old
Gender: Male
Hardest Boulder (Worked): 9A

Charles Albert is one of the worlds best and most unique boulderers. Charles ability is hard to define on paper due to his unique choice in style: he typically climbs without the use of chalk, climbing shoes, and kneepads. In this style Charles is undoubtedly a master with no one repeating any of his boulders in the the same style as he climbed them.

Charles is notable for his hard first ascents, for example La Révolutionnaire Assis 8C+/V16 and Hypothèse Assis 8C+/V16. In 2018 Charles did the first ascent of No Kpote Only in which he proposed the grade of 9A/V17, however this was downgraded by both Ryohei Kameyama and Nico Pelorson. Though these ascentionists did use shoes despite the translated name being "Bareback Only".

In 2023 Charles did the first ascent of L’Ombre du Voyageur for which he proposed 9A/V17 after spending 60 sessions to complete the problem. He commented that he thought it would be 9A+/V18 for the style he did it in, without shoes or knee pads, but suggested the lower grade for an ascent in a more typical style.

Lucien Martinez:

In Font, many times I saw Charles Albert do things so out of this world I would have called them impossible without having been a witness. Like flash FAs or in a handful of runs of 8A on a move that no one else can get anywhere near, or 7B slabs in trainers by simply annihilating miserable grains of sand with his nails… [1]



[2] Reel Rock 16: Barefoot Charles



46 contributions since 13th January 2021.
3 contributions since 7th January 2025.
1 contribution since 27th August 2024.

Quick Info

From: France 🇫🇷
Date of birth: 10th September 1997
Age: 27 years old
Gender: Male
Hardest Boulder (Worked): 9A

Charles Albert is one of the worlds best and most unique boulderers. Charles ability is hard to define on paper due to his unique choice in style: he typically climbs without the use of chalk, climbing shoes, and kneepads. In this style Charles is undoubtedly a master with no one repeating any of his boulders in the the same style as he climbed them.

Charles is notable for his hard first ascents, for example La Révolutionnaire Assis 8C+/V16 and Hypothèse Assis 8C+/V16. In 2018 Charles did the first ascent of No Kpote Only in which he proposed the grade of 9A/V17, however this was downgraded by both Ryohei Kameyama and Nico Pelorson. Though these ascentionists did use shoes despite the translated name being "Bareback Only".

In 2023 Charles did the first ascent of L’Ombre du Voyageur for which he proposed 9A/V17 after spending 60 sessions to complete the problem. He commented that he thought it would be 9A+/V18 for the style he did it in, without shoes or knee pads, but suggested the lower grade for an ascent in a more typical style.

Lucien Martinez:

In Font, many times I saw Charles Albert do things so out of this world I would have called them impossible without having been a witness. Like flash FAs or in a handful of runs of 8A on a move that no one else can get anywhere near, or 7B slabs in trainers by simply annihilating miserable grains of sand with his nails… [1]



[2] Reel Rock 16: Barefoot Charles



46 contributions since 13th January 2021.
3 contributions since 7th January 2025.
1 contribution since 27th August 2024.




Pics + Vids

No pics or vids yet.


28 recorded ascents.

This timeline is missing some ascents where the date of the ascent is unknown.
Climb Grade Style Ascent Date Suggested Grade
Le Bombé Bleu 9c (approx) Lead | did not finish
Ratstaman Vibrations 9b Lead | did not finish 2020
Climb Grade Style Ascent Date Suggested Grade
L’Ombre du Voyageur 9A Boulder | worked 18th Oct 2023 9A
First ascent. Over 60 sessions.

Charles struggled to grade the problem due to it's length (being more like a route) and because he climbed it barefoot and without kneepads, as is his preferred style. He suggested that for him it was maybe approaching 9A+, but that shoes and knee pads would almost certainly make it substantially easier. Even so, he felt 8C+ would be too harsh and so settled on 9A. [1, via google translate].



[2] Video from a previous attempt




Le Barbier 9A (approx) Boulder | did not finish
Charlatan 9A (approx) Boulder | did not finish
La RĂ©volutionnaire Assis 8C+ Boulder | worked Nov 2017
Hypothèse Assis 8C+ Boulder | worked Dec 2018
No Kpote Only 8C+ Boulder | worked Dec 2018 9A
First ascent.



[2] Some earlier sessions on the line

Terranova 8C+ Boulder | did not finish

Charles came pretty close using a very unconventional sequence.



Off the Wagon Low 8C+ Boulder | did not finish

Charles got extremely close using a new sequence for the upper part but ultimately didn't complete the problem.



[2] Reel Rock 16, 2022

La RĂ©volutionnaire 8C Boulder | worked Dec 2016
DĂ©lire Onirique Assis 8C Boulder | worked 8th Jan 2017
Monkey Wedding 8C Boulder | worked Jun 2017
La Source 8C Boulder | worked 2021
First ascent.



Le Jeté 8C Boulder | did not finish
La Valse aux Adieux (Prolongé) 8C Boulder | worked

Charles' first 8C.



Le Pied Ă  Coulisse (Direct) 8B+ Boulder | worked 15th Feb 2016
BĂ©lial 8B+ Boulder | worked Before 18th Jan 2019 8C
First ascent.
Midnight Express 8B+ Boulder | worked
Ôte-moi d'un Doigt 8B+ Boulder | worked
First ascent.
The Wagon Wheel 8B+ Boulder | worked
First ascent.
L'Alchemiste 8B+ Boulder | worked
Gecko Assis 8B+ Boulder | worked
Le Voyageur Face a la Mer de Nuage 8B Boulder | worked 2019
First ascent.
PĂ©troglyphe 8B Boulder | worked Sep 2023
First ascent.



Bloody Sunday 8B Boulder | worked
First ascent.



El Corazon 8A+ Boulder | worked
Karma 8A+ Boulder | worked
Climb Grade Style Ascent Date Suggested Grade
Climb Grade Style Ascent Date Suggested Grade