Molly Thompson-Smith | | | | |

Quick Info

Nationality: GB
Height: 159 cm
Date of birth: 7th November 1997
Hardest Boulder (Worked): 8B
Hardest Boulder (Flash): 7C+
Hardest Sport (Worked): 8c
Hardest Sport (Onsight): 8b
Hardest Sport (Flash): 8b

Very capable comp climber who has a solid track record on rock too.

Contributors: remus

Quick Info

Nationality: GB
Height: 159 cm
Date of birth: 7th November 1997
Hardest Boulder (Worked): 8B
Hardest Boulder (Flash): 7C+
Hardest Sport (Worked): 8c
Hardest Sport (Onsight): 8b
Hardest Sport (Flash): 8b

Very capable comp climber who has a solid track record on rock too.

Contributors: remus



Pics + Vids

Sideshow (8B)
Added at 06:08 on 25 August 2023
Verna (7C+)
Added at 04:10 on 09 October 2023
Eagle Huntress (Stand) (8A)
Added at 05:10 on 09 October 2023
Pilgrim (8A+)
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Added at 22:02 on 28 February 2024
Tsunami (8A)
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Added at 12:02 on 10 February 2021
Steppenwolf (8B)
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Added at 14:10 on 04 October 2021
Flip Flopera (8B)
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Added at 21:11 on 26 November 2021
New Orleans Heavyweight Division (8c)
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Added at 09:12 on 12 December 2021
Hulk (7C+)
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Added at 07:04 on 11 April 2021
Full Power (8A)
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Added at 07:03 on 26 March 2021
Euro Trash (8A+)
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Added at 21:05 on 28 May 2021
Steppenwolf (8B)
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Added at 06:12 on 01 December 2021
Roof of a Baby Buddha (7C+)
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Added at 19:03 on 24 March 2022
Corridors of Power (7C+)
Added at 06:04 on 06 April 2022
Roof of a Baby Buddha (7C+)
Added at 06:04 on 06 April 2022
Nazgul's Traverse (7C)
Added at 06:04 on 06 April 2022


29 recorded ascents.

Year Climb Grade Style Date
2012 European Youth Cup (L,... Comp 3rd 27th May 2012
European Youth Cup (L)... Comp 2nd Lead (Youth B Female) 25th November 2012
2014 European Youth Cup (L)... Comp 1st 1st June 2014
European Youth Champio... Comp 2nd Lead (Youth A Female) 15th June 2014
2016 European Youth Champio... Comp 3rd 6th August 2016
2017 Dead Can't Dance 8A Boulder | worked May 2017
Mecca - The Mid-life Crisis 8b+ Lead | worked 8th Oct 2017
Tsunami 8A Boulder | worked 26th Oct 2017
IFSC Climbing Worldcup... Comp 3rd Lead (Women) 12th November 2017
China Open Qualificati... Comp 1st Lead (Women) 17th November 2017
China Open Qualificati... Comp 3rd Boulder (Women) 17th November 2017
2018 La Fabelita 8c Lead | worked 2nd Dec 2018
Rollito Sharma Extension 8c Lead | worked 17th Dec 2018
2020 Roof Warrior 8c Lead | worked 28th May 2020
Intercooler 8c Lead | worked 29th Jun 2020
New Orleans Heavyweight Division 8c Lead | worked 8th Jul 2020
Odysseus 8b Lead | onsight 9th Aug 2020
L'Ami de Tout le Monde 8b Lead | flash 15th Aug 2020
IFSC Europe - Continen... Comp 3rd Lead (Women) 29th November 2020
2021 Full Power 8A Boulder | worked 25th Mar 2021
Hulk 7C+ Boulder | flash 10th Apr 2021
Keen Roof 8A+ Boulder | worked 22nd Apr 2021
Euro Trash 8A+ Boulder | worked 26th May 2021
Euro Roof Low 8B Boulder | worked 27th May 2021
Full Tilt 8b Lead | worked 11th Jun 2021
Urgent Action 8a+ Lead | flash 11th Jun 2021

First British woman to flash 8a+ in the UK.

Steppenwolf 8B Boulder | worked 3rd Oct 2021
Flip Flopera 8B Boulder | worked 24th Nov 2021
1 session.



2022 Corridors of Power 7C+ Boulder | worked Mar 2022
Roof of a Baby Buddha 7C+ Boulder | flash 19th Mar 2022
Flick of the Wrist 7C+ Boulder | flash 19th Mar 2022
Nazgul's Traverse 7C Boulder | flash 20th Mar 2022
Kleptomania 8a Lead | onsight 16th Apr 2022
Sideshow 8B Boulder | worked 15th Sep 2022
2023 Eagle Huntress (Stand) 8A Boulder | worked 22nd Sep 2023
Verna 7C+ Boulder | flash 22nd Sep 2023
2024 Pilgrim 8A+ Boulder | worked 26th Feb 2024
Lou Ferrino Sans Pocket 8A Boulder | worked 26th Feb 2024
Climb Grade Style Ascent Date Suggested Grade
La Fabelita 8c Lead | worked 2nd Dec 2018
Rollito Sharma Extension 8c Lead | worked 17th Dec 2018
Roof Warrior 8c Lead | worked 28th May 2020
Intercooler 8c Lead | worked 29th Jun 2020
New Orleans Heavyweight Division 8c Lead | worked 8th Jul 2020
Mecca - The Mid-life Crisis 8b+ Lead | worked 8th Oct 2017
Odysseus 8b Lead | onsight 9th Aug 2020
L'Ami de Tout le Monde 8b Lead | flash 15th Aug 2020
Full Tilt 8b Lead | worked 11th Jun 2021
Urgent Action 8a+ Lead | flash 11th Jun 2021

First British woman to flash 8a+ in the UK.

Kleptomania 8a Lead | onsight 16th Apr 2022
Climb Grade Style Ascent Date Suggested Grade
Euro Roof Low 8B Boulder | worked 27th May 2021
Steppenwolf 8B Boulder | worked 3rd Oct 2021
Flip Flopera 8B Boulder | worked 24th Nov 2021
1 session.



Sideshow 8B Boulder | worked 15th Sep 2022
Keen Roof 8A+ Boulder | worked 22nd Apr 2021
Euro Trash 8A+ Boulder | worked 26th May 2021
Pilgrim 8A+ Boulder | worked 26th Feb 2024
Dead Can't Dance 8A Boulder | worked May 2017
Tsunami 8A Boulder | worked 26th Oct 2017
Full Power 8A Boulder | worked 25th Mar 2021
Eagle Huntress (Stand) 8A Boulder | worked 22nd Sep 2023
Lou Ferrino Sans Pocket 8A Boulder | worked 26th Feb 2024
Hulk 7C+ Boulder | flash 10th Apr 2021
Corridors of Power 7C+ Boulder | worked Mar 2022
Roof of a Baby Buddha 7C+ Boulder | flash 19th Mar 2022 7C+ (soft)
Flick of the Wrist 7C+ Boulder | flash 19th Mar 2022
Verna 7C+ Boulder | flash 22nd Sep 2023
Nazgul's Traverse 7C Boulder | flash 20th Mar 2022
Climb Grade Style Ascent Date Suggested Grade
Climb Grade Style Ascent Date Suggested Grade