Jack Palmieri

Instagram.com | YouTube.com | 8a.nu | UKClimbing.com | ifsc.results.info

Quick Info

Nationality: GB
Date of birth: 20th November 1984
Hardest Boulder (Worked): 8B+
Hardest Boulder (Flash): 8A

Jack Palmieri is a British boulderer. He started climbing relatively late in life but has rapidly established himself by repeating a huge number of hard problems in the UK and abroad.

Around 2017 Jack spent a lot of time in Parisellas Cave, repeating nearly all the hard problems (including Silk Cut and Pilgrimage) in the cave as well as adding some new link ups of his own.

Using this as a base, he has then branched out in an attempt to seemingly climb every hard boulder in the UK. In 2022 alone he climbed over 100 8th grade boulder problems in the UK [1], a very impressive feat given the weather!


[1] Interview with UKClimbing.com, December 2022 https://www.ukclimbing.com/articles/features/jack_palmieri_on_climbing_100_8s_in_a_year-14907

[2] https://www.ukclimbing.com/articles/features/jack_palmieri_on_climbing_200_8s_in_a_year-15678

Contributors: remus

Quick Info

Nationality: GB
Date of birth: 20th November 1984
Hardest Boulder (Worked): 8B+
Hardest Boulder (Flash): 8A

Jack Palmieri is a British boulderer. He started climbing relatively late in life but has rapidly established himself by repeating a huge number of hard problems in the UK and abroad.

Around 2017 Jack spent a lot of time in Parisellas Cave, repeating nearly all the hard problems (including Silk Cut and Pilgrimage) in the cave as well as adding some new link ups of his own.

Using this as a base, he has then branched out in an attempt to seemingly climb every hard boulder in the UK. In 2022 alone he climbed over 100 8th grade boulder problems in the UK [1], a very impressive feat given the weather!


[1] Interview with UKClimbing.com, December 2022 https://www.ukclimbing.com/articles/features/jack_palmieri_on_climbing_100_8s_in_a_year-14907

[2] https://www.ukclimbing.com/articles/features/jack_palmieri_on_climbing_200_8s_in_a_year-15678

Contributors: remus


Pics + Vids

The Vault (8B)
Added at 21:02 on 08 February 2024
Gwyllgi (8B)
Added at 21:02 on 08 February 2024
Merlin's Beard (8B)
Added at 07:09 on 16 September 2023
Director's Cut (8A+)
Added at 18:02 on 06 February 2021
Pilgrimage (8B+)
Added at 19:02 on 06 February 2021
Silk Cut (8B+)
Added at 19:02 on 06 February 2021
Triggerocity-Upper Cut (8B+)
Added at 19:02 on 06 February 2021
Triggerocity (8B, FA)
Added at 19:02 on 06 February 2021
Bon Atrocity (8B)
Added at 10:02 on 07 February 2021
Flipnic (8B)
View this post on Instagram

Added at 17:12 on 23 December 2021
Flipnic in to the Crack (8B)
Added at 12:03 on 24 March 2022
View this post on Instagram

Added at 13:03 on 29 March 2022


32 recorded ascents.

This timeline is missing some ascents where the date of the ascent is unknown. Use the other tabs to view these ascents.
Year Climb Grade Style Date
2017 Triggerocity 8B Boulder | worked 12th Mar 2017
First ascent.


[1] https://vimeo.com/208048296

Director's Cut 8A+ Boulder | worked 15th Mar 2017
Silk Cut 8B+ Boulder | worked 4th Aug 2017
Triggerocity-Upper Cut 8B+ Boulder | worked 15th Sep 2017
Bon Atrocity 8B Boulder | worked Oct 2017
Second ascent.


[1] https://vimeo.com/239361136

Pilgrimage 8B+ Boulder | worked 1st Nov 2017
2019 The Hatchlink 8B+ Boulder | worked 26th Feb 2019
First ascent.
Fat Lip 8B Boulder | worked 4th Oct 2019
2020 Ropes of Maui 8A+ Boulder | worked 17th Jan 2020
Isles of Wonder 8B Boulder | worked 20th Jan 2020
East Coker 8B Boulder | worked 12th Mar 2020
Flip Flopera 8B Boulder | worked 9th Sep 2020
Third ascent.
Bara Brith Low 7C+ Boulder | worked 17th Sep 2020
First ascent.
End Game 8B Boulder | worked 3rd Oct 2020
2021 Mr. Lambtastic 8B Boulder | worked 26th Sep 2021
Slim Pickings 8B Boulder | worked 13th Oct 2021
Anaesthesia 8A+ Boulder | worked 15th Oct 2021
Flipnic 8B Boulder | worked 20th Dec 2021
Keen Roof 8A+ Boulder | worked 22nd Dec 2021
2022 What Tmorrow Brings 8A Boulder | flash 13th Jan 2022
Flipnic in to the Crack 8B Boulder | worked 23rd Mar 2022
XXXS 8B Boulder | worked 23rd Mar 2022
Sideshow 8B Boulder | worked 13th Sep 2022
2023 Isla de Encanta 8B Boulder | worked 27th Jan 2023
Eagle Huntress 8B Boulder | worked 7th Mar 2023
Merlin's Beard 8B Boulder | worked 24th Aug 2023
The Vault 8B Boulder | worked 27th Aug 2023
Gwyllgi 8B Boulder | worked 13th Sep 2023
Woodstone 8A+ Boulder | worked 21st Nov 2023

Jack's 200th 8th grade problem in 2023!

Addiction Direct SDS 8A Boulder | worked 31st Dec 2023

Jack's 200th 8th grade problem of the year. Down to the wire!

2024 Burnt Ends 8B Boulder | worked 16th Mar 2024
Climb Grade Style Ascent Date Suggested Grade
Climb Grade Style Ascent Date Suggested Grade
The Hatchlink 8B+ Boulder | worked 26th Feb 2019
First ascent.
Silk Cut 8B+ Boulder | worked 4th Aug 2017 8B+ (soft)
Triggerocity-Upper Cut 8B+ Boulder | worked 15th Sep 2017
Pilgrimage 8B+ Boulder | worked 1st Nov 2017 8B+
Triggerocity 8B Boulder | worked 12th Mar 2017
First ascent.


[1] https://vimeo.com/208048296

Bon Atrocity 8B Boulder | worked Oct 2017
Second ascent.


[1] https://vimeo.com/239361136

Fat Lip 8B Boulder | worked 4th Oct 2019
Isles of Wonder 8B Boulder | worked 20th Jan 2020
East Coker 8B Boulder | worked 12th Mar 2020 8B (hard)
Flip Flopera 8B Boulder | worked 9th Sep 2020
Third ascent.
End Game 8B Boulder | worked 3rd Oct 2020
Mr. Lambtastic 8B Boulder | worked 26th Sep 2021
Slim Pickings 8B Boulder | worked 13th Oct 2021
Flipnic 8B Boulder | worked 20th Dec 2021
Flipnic in to the Crack 8B Boulder | worked 23rd Mar 2022 8B+
XXXS 8B Boulder | worked 23rd Mar 2022 8A+/8B
Sideshow 8B Boulder | worked 13th Sep 2022
Isla de Encanta 8B Boulder | worked 27th Jan 2023
Eagle Huntress 8B Boulder | worked 7th Mar 2023
Merlin's Beard 8B Boulder | worked 24th Aug 2023
The Vault 8B Boulder | worked 27th Aug 2023 8A+ (soft)
Gwyllgi 8B Boulder | worked 13th Sep 2023 8A+
Burnt Ends 8B Boulder | worked 16th Mar 2024 8B
Keen Roof - Nachos Start 8B Boulder | worked
Director's Cut 8A+ Boulder | worked 15th Mar 2017
Ropes of Maui 8A+ Boulder | worked 17th Jan 2020 8A+
Anaesthesia 8A+ Boulder | worked 15th Oct 2021
Keen Roof 8A+ Boulder | worked 22nd Dec 2021
Woodstone 8A+ Boulder | worked 21st Nov 2023

Jack's 200th 8th grade problem in 2023!

What Tmorrow Brings 8A Boulder | flash 13th Jan 2022
Addiction Direct SDS 8A Boulder | worked 31st Dec 2023

Jack's 200th 8th grade problem of the year. Down to the wire!

Bara Brith Low 7C+ Boulder | worked 17th Sep 2020
First ascent.
Climb Grade Style Ascent Date Suggested Grade
Climb Grade Style Ascent Date Suggested Grade