Tom Frost

Quick Info

Nationality: US
Date of birth: 30th June 1936
Date of death: 24th August 2018
Notable Partnerships
Yvon Chouinard
Royal Robbins

Contributors: remus
Added on 10th March 2022. Last updated on 14th January 2024.

Quick Info

Nationality: US
Date of birth: 30th June 1936
Date of death: 24th August 2018
Notable Partnerships
Yvon Chouinard
Royal Robbins



Contributors: remus
Added on 10th March 2022. Last updated on 14th January 2024.


Pics + Vids

Added at 14:03 on 10 March 2022
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Added at 18:03 on 11 March 2022
Salathé Wall (8a+, FA)
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Added at 18:03 on 11 March 2022


2 recorded ascents.

Year Climb Grade Style Date
1960 The Nose 8b+ Aid | worked 1960
Second ascent. With Royal Robbins, Joe Fitschen and Chuck Pratt.

The second ascent, and first continuous ascent over 7 days.

1961 Salathé Wall 8a+ Aid | worked 1961
First ascent. With Royal Robbins and Chuck Pratt.



Climb Grade Style Ascent Date Suggested Grade
The Nose 8b+ Aid | worked 1960
Second ascent. With Royal Robbins, Joe Fitschen and Chuck Pratt.

The second ascent, and first continuous ascent over 7 days.

Salathé Wall 8a+ Aid | worked 1961
First ascent. With Royal Robbins and Chuck Pratt.



Climb Grade Style Ascent Date Suggested Grade
Climb Grade Style Ascent Date Suggested Grade
Climb Grade Style Ascent Date Suggested Grade