Thea Cameron |

Quick Info

Nationality: GB
Hardest Boulder (Worked): 7C+
Hardest Sport (Worked): 8b

Contributors: remus

Quick Info

Nationality: GB
Hardest Boulder (Worked): 7C+
Hardest Sport (Worked): 8b
Contributors: remus


Pics + Vids

Urgent Action (8a+)
View this post on Instagram

Added at 07:09 on 24 September 2021
Kroenen (7C+)
View this post on Instagram

Added at 20:04 on 28 April 2021


5 recorded ascents.

Year Climb Grade Style Date
2019 Grand Opera 7C+ Boulder | worked 20th Nov 2019
2020 Austrian Oak 8b Lead | worked 2nd Oct 2020

Thea's first of the grade.

2021 Kroenen 7C+ Boulder | worked 28th Apr 2021
Urgent Action 8a+ Lead | worked 23rd Sep 2021
2023 Full Tilt 8b Lead | worked 21st Jun 2023
Climb Grade Style Ascent Date Suggested Grade
Austrian Oak 8b Lead | worked 2nd Oct 2020

Thea's first of the grade.

Full Tilt 8b Lead | worked 21st Jun 2023
Urgent Action 8a+ Lead | worked 23rd Sep 2021
Climb Grade Style Ascent Date Suggested Grade
Grand Opera 7C+ Boulder | worked 20th Nov 2019
Kroenen 7C+ Boulder | worked 28th Apr 2021
Climb Grade Style Ascent Date Suggested Grade
Climb Grade Style Ascent Date Suggested Grade