Neil Carson |

Quick Info

Nationality: GB
Hardest Sport (Worked): 9a
Hardest Trad (Worked): E9

Quick Info

Nationality: GB
Hardest Sport (Worked): 9a
Hardest Trad (Worked): E9


Pics + Vids

Added at 16:01 on 13 January 2021


9 recorded ascents.

This timeline is missing some ascents where the date of the ascent is unknown. Use the other tabs to view these ascents.
Year Climb Grade Style Date
1990 Raindogs 8a Lead | worked 1990

Neil's first 8a. Date is approximate.

1995 Infanticide 8c Lead | worked 1995
First ascent.
The Walking Muscle 8b+ Lead | worked Jun 1995
First ascent.
Pas de Deux 8a+ Lead | worked Jul 1995
First ascent.
1996 All Out 8c Lead | worked 1996
First ascent.
Big Bang 9a Lead | worked 6th Dec 1996
First ascent.

Wales' first 9a and the second in the UK.

When I finally did it it wasn't really a big celebration...not initially anyway...It was just a case of "Right, I don't want to come back here"...I didn't climb for a month, didn't touch rock, didn't touch anything. It was a strange period actually, I completely lost motivation.

1997 Mission Impossible E9 Lead | worked 23rd Jul 1997
First ascent.
Climb Grade Style Ascent Date Suggested Grade
Big Bang 9a Lead | worked 6th Dec 1996
First ascent.

Wales' first 9a and the second in the UK.

When I finally did it it wasn't really a big celebration...not initially anyway...It was just a case of "Right, I don't want to come back here"...I didn't climb for a month, didn't touch rock, didn't touch anything. It was a strange period actually, I completely lost motivation.

Liquid Ambar 8c+ Lead | did not finish


[1] Neil tried the route but struggled with the moves lower down so decided to invest his time in Big Bang instead.

Infanticide 8c Lead | worked 1995
First ascent.
All Out 8c Lead | worked 1996
First ascent.
The Walking Muscle 8b+ Lead | worked Jun 1995
First ascent.
Pas de Deux 8a+ Lead | worked Jul 1995
First ascent.
Raindogs 8a Lead | worked 1990

Neil's first 8a. Date is approximate.

Climb Grade Style Ascent Date Suggested Grade
Climb Grade Style Ascent Date Suggested Grade
Mission Impossible E9 Lead | worked 23rd Jul 1997
First ascent.
Climb Grade Style Ascent Date Suggested Grade
Going Down 8c+ Boulder | worked
First ascent.