Hidetaka Suzuki

Quick Info

Nationality: JP
Hardest Trad (Worked): E9

Quick Info

Nationality: JP
Hardest Trad (Worked): E9

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Added at 07:09 on 07 September 2021
The Phoenix (E7)
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Added at 18:09 on 10 September 2021


2 recorded ascents.

Year Climb Grade Style Date
1987 The Phoenix E7 Lead | worked Sep 1987
1988 Stingray E9 Lead | worked Jun 1988
First ascent.

A month after Mike Paul had successfully top roped the line.

Climb Grade Style Ascent Date Suggested Grade
Climb Grade Style Ascent Date Suggested Grade
Climb Grade Style Ascent Date Suggested Grade
Stingray E9 Lead | worked Jun 1988
First ascent.

A month after Mike Paul had successfully top roped the line.

The Phoenix E7 Lead | worked Sep 1987
Climb Grade Style Ascent Date Suggested Grade