Pete Whillance

Quick Info

From: United Kingdom 🇬🇧
Gender: Male
Hardest Trad (Worked): E6

Johnny Dawes:

A Midsummer Night's Dream. Incantations. Edge of Extinction. These routes sent a shiver down my spine in the 80's.

Superb, bold, thin, majestic lines. Pegs tied off, little stoppers, huge runouts.

Pete absolutely epitomised British rock climbing. [1]



17 contributions since 20th March 2021.

Quick Info

From: United Kingdom 🇬🇧
Gender: Male
Hardest Trad (Worked): E6

Johnny Dawes:

A Midsummer Night's Dream. Incantations. Edge of Extinction. These routes sent a shiver down my spine in the 80's.

Superb, bold, thin, majestic lines. Pegs tied off, little stoppers, huge runouts.

Pete absolutely epitomised British rock climbing. [1]



17 contributions since 20th March 2021.


Pics + Vids

No pics or vids yet.


13 recorded ascents.

This timeline is missing some ascents where the date of the ascent is unknown.
Climb Grade Style Ascent Date Suggested Grade
Climb Grade Style Ascent Date Suggested Grade
Climb Grade Style Ascent Date Suggested Grade
A Midsummer Night's Dream E6 Lead | worked 28th Jul 1977
First ascent.

Pitches 2 and 3 were later climbed on 28th May 1978.

Incantations E6 Alternate Leads Aug 1984
First ascent. With Dave Armstrong.



Edge of Extinction E6 Lead
First ascent.
Supernatural E5 Lead Jul 1977
First ascent.
The Risk Business E5 Lead 1980
First ascent.
White Heat E5 Lead 9th Apr 1980
First ascent.
Tangerine Dream E4 Lead 4th May 1979
First ascent.
Malice in Wonderland E4 Lead 1980
First ascent.
Quality Street E4 Lead Apr 1981
First ascent.
The Dodger E4 Lead 1st Apr 2003
First ascent.
Wipe Out E4 Lead 1st Jul 2005
First ascent.
Awesome E3 Lead 9th May 2004
First ascent.
The Thin Red Line E3 Lead 5th Aug 2008
First ascent.
Climb Grade Style Ascent Date Suggested Grade