Hidrofóbia (L2) | 8b+ Sport route at Montsant


Contributors: remus (3 contributions since 30 Oct 2021)
Added 30th October 2021. Last updated 13th November 2022.

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Seo Chae-Hyun
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Added at 19:11 on 25 November 2022


3 recorded ascents.

Climber Style Ascent Date Suggested Grade
Katie Brown Lead | flash 1999

The first flash of an 8b+ by a woman. An incredible effort, especially considering Katie had very little knowledge of the route before climbing it: a friend had gone to put the draws in for her but was unable to get past a difficult section, so Katie was carrying draws for the top of the route as well as climbing it completely onsight.

Josune Bereziartu Lead | onsight 18th Apr 2006
Seo Chae-Hyun Lead | onsight 25th Nov 2022