Change Log for Strong Norwegian Boulderers


Total Changes


First Change

20th Jan 2025

Last Change

3rd Feb 2025


Date Time User Type Name Attribute
1 3rd February 2025 08:15:14 remus - - list_name
Strongest Norwegian Boulderers
Strong Norwegian Boulderers
2 3rd February 2025 06:46:14 remus - - hidden
3 21st January 2025 06:46:32 remus - - list_definition
select '<a href="/climber/' || cast(c.climber_id as varchar) || '">' || c.climber_name || '</a>' as Climber ,g.grade as Grade ,string_agg('<a href="/climb/' || cast(cl.climb_id as varchar) || '">' || cl.climb_name || '</a>', ', ' order by order_dt(a.ascent_dt_start, a.ascent_dt_end)) as Climbs from ascents a inner join ascent_styles ast on a.ascent_style_id = ast.ascent_style_id inner join climbers c on a.climber_id = c.climber_id inner join climbs cl on a.climb_id = cl.climb_id inner join grades g on cl.grade_id = g.grade_id inner join hardest_ascent ha on c.climber_id = ha.climber_id and cl.grade_id = ha.max_grade_id and cl.climb_type_id = ha.climb_type where a.deleted_on is null and c.deleted_on is null and cl.deleted_on is null and cl.climb_type = 2 and c.gender = false and c.country_id = 5 and g.order_on >= 39 and c.exclude_reason is null and cl.exclude_reason is null and a.exclude_reason is null and ast.ascent_successful group by c.climber_name ,g.grade ,c.climber_id order by g.grade desc ,count(*) desc ,min(order_dt(a.ascent_dt_start, a.ascent_dt_end))
select '<a href="/climber/' || cast(c.climber_id as varchar) || '">' || c.climber_name || '</a>' as Climber ,g.grade as Grade ,string_agg('<a href="/climb/' || cast(cl.climb_id as varchar) || '">' || cl.climb_name || '</a>', ', ' order by order_dt(a.ascent_dt_start, a.ascent_dt_end)) as Climbs from ascents a inner join ascent_styles ast on a.ascent_style_id = ast.ascent_style_id inner join climbers c on a.climber_id = c.climber_id inner join climbs cl on a.climb_id = cl.climb_id inner join grades g on cl.grade_id = g.grade_id inner join hardest_ascent ha on c.climber_id = ha.climber_id and cl.grade_id = ha.max_grade_id and cl.climb_type_id = ha.climb_type where a.deleted_on is null and c.deleted_on is null and cl.deleted_on is null and cl.climb_type = 2 and c.country_id = 5 and g.order_on >= 39 and c.exclude_reason is null and cl.exclude_reason is null and a.exclude_reason is null and ast.ascent_successful group by c.climber_name ,g.grade ,c.climber_id order by g.grade desc ,count(*) desc ,min(order_dt(a.ascent_dt_start, a.ascent_dt_end))
--- before

+++ after

@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@

and c.deleted_on is null
and cl.deleted_on is null
and cl.climb_type = 2
- and c.gender = false
and c.country_id = 5
and g.order_on >= 39
and c.exclude_reason is null
4 21st January 2025 06:46:32 remus - - list_description
The best Norwegian male boulderers. This list aims to list any male Norwegian boulderer who has climbed 8B or harder. It attempts to be definitive in terms of the people included but does not attempt to enumerate every relevant ascent.
The best Norwegian boulderers. This list aims to list any Norwegian boulderer who has climbed 8B or harder. It attempts to be definitive in terms of the people included but does not attempt to enumerate every relevant ascent.
--- before

+++ after

@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@

-The best Norwegian male boulderers.
+The best Norwegian boulderers.

-This list aims to list any male Norwegian boulderer who has climbed 8B or harder. It attempts to be definitive in terms of the people included but does not attempt to enumerate every relevant ascent.
+This list aims to list any Norwegian boulderer who has climbed 8B or harder. It attempts to be definitive in terms of the people included but does not attempt to enumerate every relevant ascent.
5 21st January 2025 06:46:32 remus - - generate_meta
insert into climber_meta (climber_id, value, display_value, climber_meta_key_id) select c.climber_id ,'/list/49/strongest-norwegian-boulderers' ,'Strong Norwegian Male Boulderers - #' || row_number() over (order by g.grade desc, count(*) desc, min(order_dt(a.ascent_dt_start, a.ascent_dt_end)))::varchar ,27 from ascents a inner join ascent_styles ast on a.ascent_style_id = ast.ascent_style_id inner join climbers c on a.climber_id = c.climber_id inner join climbs cl on a.climb_id = cl.climb_id inner join grades g on cl.grade_id = g.grade_id inner join hardest_ascent ha on c.climber_id = ha.climber_id and cl.grade_id = ha.max_grade_id where a.deleted_on is null and c.deleted_on is null and cl.deleted_on is null and cl.climb_type = 2 and c.gender = false and c.country_id = 5 and g.order_on >= 39 and c.exclude_reason is null and cl.exclude_reason is null and a.exclude_reason is null and ast.ascent_successful group by c.climber_name ,g.grade ,c.climber_id
insert into climber_meta (climber_id, value, display_value, climber_meta_key_id) select c.climber_id ,'/list/49/strongest-norwegian-boulderers' ,'Strong Norwegian Boulderers - #' || row_number() over (order by g.grade desc, count(*) desc, min(order_dt(a.ascent_dt_start, a.ascent_dt_end)))::varchar ,27 from ascents a inner join ascent_styles ast on a.ascent_style_id = ast.ascent_style_id inner join climbers c on a.climber_id = c.climber_id inner join climbs cl on a.climb_id = cl.climb_id inner join grades g on cl.grade_id = g.grade_id inner join hardest_ascent ha on c.climber_id = ha.climber_id and cl.grade_id = ha.max_grade_id where a.deleted_on is null and c.deleted_on is null and cl.deleted_on is null and cl.climb_type = 2 and c.country_id = 5 and g.order_on >= 39 and c.exclude_reason is null and cl.exclude_reason is null and a.exclude_reason is null and ast.ascent_successful group by c.climber_name ,g.grade ,c.climber_id
6 21st January 2025 06:46:32 remus - - list_description_pretty
<p>The best Norwegian male boulderers.</p> <p>This list aims to list any male Norwegian boulderer who has climbed 8B or harder. It attempts to be definitive in terms of the people included but does not attempt to enumerate every relevant ascent.</p>
<p>The best Norwegian boulderers.</p> <p>This list aims to list any Norwegian boulderer who has climbed 8B or harder. It attempts to be definitive in terms of the people included but does not attempt to enumerate every relevant ascent.</p>
7 20th January 2025 21:34:38 remus - - generate_meta
insert into climber_meta (climber_id, value, display_value, climber_meta_key_id) select c.climber_id ,'/list/3/strong-british-male-boulderers' ,'Strong British Male Boulderers - #' || row_number() over (order by g.grade desc, count(*) desc, min(order_dt(a.ascent_dt_start, a.ascent_dt_end)))::varchar ,27 from ascents a inner join ascent_styles ast on a.ascent_style_id = ast.ascent_style_id inner join climbers c on a.climber_id = c.climber_id inner join climbs cl on a.climb_id = cl.climb_id inner join grades g on cl.grade_id = g.grade_id inner join hardest_ascent ha on c.climber_id = ha.climber_id and cl.grade_id = ha.max_grade_id where a.deleted_on is null and c.deleted_on is null and cl.deleted_on is null and cl.climb_type = 2 and c.gender = false and c.country_id = 5 and g.order_on >= 39 and c.exclude_reason is null and cl.exclude_reason is null and a.exclude_reason is null and ast.ascent_successful group by c.climber_name ,g.grade ,c.climber_id
insert into climber_meta (climber_id, value, display_value, climber_meta_key_id) select c.climber_id ,'/list/49/strongest-norwegian-boulderers' ,'Strong Norwegian Male Boulderers - #' || row_number() over (order by g.grade desc, count(*) desc, min(order_dt(a.ascent_dt_start, a.ascent_dt_end)))::varchar ,27 from ascents a inner join ascent_styles ast on a.ascent_style_id = ast.ascent_style_id inner join climbers c on a.climber_id = c.climber_id inner join climbs cl on a.climb_id = cl.climb_id inner join grades g on cl.grade_id = g.grade_id inner join hardest_ascent ha on c.climber_id = ha.climber_id and cl.grade_id = ha.max_grade_id where a.deleted_on is null and c.deleted_on is null and cl.deleted_on is null and cl.climb_type = 2 and c.gender = false and c.country_id = 5 and g.order_on >= 39 and c.exclude_reason is null and cl.exclude_reason is null and a.exclude_reason is null and ast.ascent_successful group by c.climber_name ,g.grade ,c.climber_id
8 20th January 2025 21:31:52 remus - - list_type_name
9 20th January 2025 21:31:52 remus - - list_type_id
10 20th January 2025 21:31:52 remus - - list_name
Strongest Norwegian Bouldererd
Strongest Norwegian Boulderers
11 20th January 2025 21:31:28 remus - - list_definition
select '<a href="/climber/' || cast(c.climber_id as varchar) || '">' || c.climber_name || '</a>' as Climber ,g.grade as Grade ,string_agg('<a href="/climb/' || cast(cl.climb_id as varchar) || '">' || cl.climb_name || '</a>', ', ' order by order_dt(a.ascent_dt_start, a.ascent_dt_end)) as Climbs from ascents a inner join ascent_styles ast on a.ascent_style_id = ast.ascent_style_id inner join climbers c on a.climber_id = c.climber_id inner join climbs cl on a.climb_id = cl.climb_id inner join grades g on cl.grade_id = g.grade_id inner join hardest_ascent ha on c.climber_id = ha.climber_id and cl.grade_id = ha.max_grade_id and cl.climb_type_id = ha.climb_type where a.deleted_on is null and c.deleted_on is null and cl.deleted_on is null and cl.climb_type = 2 and c.gender = false and c.country_id = 5 and g.order_on >= 39 and c.exclude_reason is null and cl.exclude_reason is null and a.exclude_reason is null and ast.ascent_successful group by c.climber_name ,g.grade ,c.climber_id order by g.grade desc ,count(*) desc ,min(order_dt(a.ascent_dt_start, a.ascent_dt_end))
--- before

+++ after

@@ -1 +1,42 @@

+ '' || c.climber_name || '' as Climber
+ ,g.grade as Grade
+ ,string_agg('' || cl.climb_name || '', ', ' order by order_dt(a.ascent_dt_start, a.ascent_dt_end)) as Climbs
+ from
+ ascents a
+ inner join ascent_styles ast
+ on a.ascent_style_id = ast.ascent_style_id
+ inner join climbers c
+ on a.climber_id = c.climber_id
+ inner join climbs cl
+ on a.climb_id = cl.climb_id
+ inner join grades g
+ on cl.grade_id = g.grade_id
+ inner join hardest_ascent ha
+ on c.climber_id = ha.climber_id
+ and cl.grade_id = ha.max_grade_id
+and cl.climb_type_id = ha.climb_type
+ where
+ a.deleted_on is null
+ and c.deleted_on is null
+ and cl.deleted_on is null
+ and cl.climb_type = 2
+ and c.gender = false
+ and c.country_id = 5
+ and g.order_on >= 39
+ and c.exclude_reason is null
+ and cl.exclude_reason is null
+ and a.exclude_reason is null
+ and ast.ascent_successful
+ group by
+ c.climber_name
+ ,g.grade
+ ,c.climber_id
+ order by
+ g.grade desc
+ ,count(*) desc
+ ,min(order_dt(a.ascent_dt_start, a.ascent_dt_end))
12 20th January 2025 21:31:28 remus - - list_description
The best Norwegian male boulderers. This list aims to list any male Norwegian boulderer who has climbed 8B or harder. It attempts to be definitive in terms of the people included but does not attempt to enumerate every relevant ascent.
--- before

+++ after

@@ -1 +1,3 @@

+The best Norwegian male boulderers.
+This list aims to list any male Norwegian boulderer who has climbed 8B or harder. It attempts to be definitive in terms of the people included but does not attempt to enumerate every relevant ascent.
13 20th January 2025 21:31:28 remus - - list_type_id
14 20th January 2025 21:31:28 remus - - list_type_name
15 20th January 2025 21:31:28 remus - - hidden
16 20th January 2025 21:31:28 remus - - list_name
Strongest Norwegian Bouldererd
17 20th January 2025 21:31:28 remus - - generate_meta
insert into climber_meta (climber_id, value, display_value, climber_meta_key_id) select c.climber_id ,'/list/3/strong-british-male-boulderers' ,'Strong British Male Boulderers - #' || row_number() over (order by g.grade desc, count(*) desc, min(order_dt(a.ascent_dt_start, a.ascent_dt_end)))::varchar ,27 from ascents a inner join ascent_styles ast on a.ascent_style_id = ast.ascent_style_id inner join climbers c on a.climber_id = c.climber_id inner join climbs cl on a.climb_id = cl.climb_id inner join grades g on cl.grade_id = g.grade_id inner join hardest_ascent ha on c.climber_id = ha.climber_id and cl.grade_id = ha.max_grade_id where a.deleted_on is null and c.deleted_on is null and cl.deleted_on is null and cl.climb_type = 2 and c.gender = false and c.country_id = 5 and g.order_on >= 39 and c.exclude_reason is null and cl.exclude_reason is null and a.exclude_reason is null and ast.ascent_successful group by c.climber_name ,g.grade ,c.climber_id
18 20th January 2025 21:31:28 remus - - list_description_pretty
<p>The best Norwegian male boulderers.</p> <p>This list aims to list any male Norwegian boulderer who has climbed 8B or harder. It attempts to be definitive in terms of the people included but does not attempt to enumerate every relevant ascent.</p>

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